
  • abstract image of a graph

    2025 Annual Disability Statistics Conference

    March 19,2025

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  • image of person holding tablet with honeycombed cells floating out of it
    We need your feedback to provide improved disability statistics products
    Learn more and take our survey
  • bar graph and ntide speakers Andrew Houtenville, Denise Rozell, and John O'Neill
    Tune in to the monthly nTIDE webinar for the latest disability employment statistics and news READ MORE >
  • image of woman on laptop
    Have a question about disability statistics? We provide technical assistance (TA)
  • generic graduation image with graduates tossing hats into the air
    Hear from recent college graduates with disabilities about their transition to work

    Read morE >

The Center for Research on Disability at the University of New Hampshire is a trusted source for research and statistics on the community participation of people with disabilities, examining key topics like employment, public programs, health, transportation, education, and more.

image from Disability Infographic: Social Inequities Experience by African Americans - African Americans are 29% less likely to be employed and 32% more likely to experience poverty
Publications and Resources

Explore the Center's disability-related infographics, scholarly articles, reports and more.

ntide kessler
nTIDE Monthly Webinar Series

Join us for expert analysis of emerging national trends in disability employment.

Cover image of 2020 Annual Disability Statistics Compendium
Annual Disability Statistics Compendium

Browse the most current disability statistics from multiple sources on a range of topics.

person holding a tablet with honeycomb data images coming out of it
StatsRRTC Needs Assessment Survey

We need your feedback to provide improved disability statistics products.

Upcoming nTIDE Webinars