Section 1: Population and Prevalence - Compendium (2025)

This section presents statistics on the United States resident population, projected population, and people with disabilities. The principal source of these data is the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status or disability type) are based on having responded yes to a series of questions within the American Community Survey (see glossary for details).

For expanded statistics, please go to the Annual Disability Statistics Build Your Own Statistics site at


Table 1.1: In 2023, the resident population in the United States was estimated to be 334,915,000, up from 333,288,000 individuals in 2022. The state with the largest population in 2023 was California/CA with 38,965,000 individuals. The state with the smallest population in 2023 was Wyoming/WY with 584,000 individuals. Table 1.1 - Resident Population - States: 2020 to 2023

Table 1.2: The projected 2030 resident population in the United States is 363,584,000. The state with the largest projected population in 2030 is California/CA with 46,445,000 individuals. The geography with the smallest projected population in 2030 is Wyoming/WY with 523,000 individuals. Table 1.2 - Resident Population Projections - States: 2025 to 2030

Table 1.3: Based on data from the American Community Survey, in 2023 there were 330,062,000 civilians living in the community; 44,680,000 of whom were civilians with disabilities (13.5%). The state with the largest percentage of civilians with disabilities was Puerto Rico/PR, with 23.9%, or 759,000 civilians. The state with the lowest percentage of civilians with disabilities was New Jersey/NJ, with 10.8%, or 997,000 civilians. Table 1.3 Civilians with and without Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.4: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 12,067,000 of whom were civilians with a hearing disability (3.7%). For this disability type, West Virginia/WV had the highest percentage of civilians, 5.7%; while District of Columbia/DC had the lowest percentage of civilians, 2.1%. Table 1.4 Civilians with Hearing Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.5: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 8,291,000 of whom were civilians with a vision disability (2.5%). For this disability type, Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of civilians, 7.5%; while Minnesota/MN had the lowest percentage of civilians, 1.6%. Table 1.5 Civilians with Vision Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.6: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 17,968,000 of whom were civilians with a cognitive disability (5.4%). For this disability type, Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of civilians, 9.8%; while New Jersey/NJ had the lowest percentage of civilians, 4.1%. Table 1.6 Civilians with Cognitive Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.7: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 20,778,000 of whom were civilians with an ambulatory disability (6.3%). For this disability type, Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of civilians, 12.4%; while Utah/UT had the lowest percentage of civilians, 4%. Table 1.7 Civilians with Ambulatory Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.8: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 8,023,000 of whom were civilians with a self-care disability (2.4%). For this disability type, Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of civilians, 5.3%; while Utah/UT had the lowest percentage of civilians, 1.6%. Table 1.8 Civilians with Self-Care Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.9: In 2023, there were 44,680,000 civilians living in the community with disabilities, 15,788,000 of whom were civilians with an independent living disability (4.8%). For this disability type, Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of civilians, 10.1%; while South Dakota/SD had the lowest percentage of civilians, 3.5%. Table 1.9 Civilians with Independent Living Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.1 - Resident Population - States: 2020 to 2023

Table 1.1 - Resident Population - States: 2020 to 2023
State 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
U.S. 328,240,000 329,505,000 331,894,000 333,288,000 334,915,000
Alabama 4,903,000 4,923,000 5,040,000 5,074,000 5,108,000
Alaska 732,000 725,000 733,000 734,000 733,000
Arizona 7,279,000 7,439,000 7,276,000 7,359,000 7,431,000
Arkansas 3,018,000 3,021,000 3,026,000 3,046,000 3,068,000
California 39,512,000 39,274,000 39,238,000 39,029,000 38,965,000
Colorado 5,759,000 5,802,000 5,812,000 5,840,000 5,878,000
Connecticut 3,565,000 3,562,000 3,606,000 3,626,000 3,617,000
Delaware 974,000 986,000 1,003,000 1,018,000 1,032,000
District of Columbia 706,000 709,000 670,000 672,000 679,000
Florida 21,478,000 21,778,000 21,781,000 22,245,000 22,611,000
Georgia 10,617,000 10,735,000 10,800,000 10,913,000 11,029,000
Hawaii 1,416,000 1,408,000 1,442,000 1,440,000 1,435,000
Idaho 1,787,000 1,846,000 1,901,000 1,939,000 1,965,000
Illinois 12,672,000 12,559,000 12,671,000 12,582,000 12,550,000
Indiana 6,732,000 6,755,000 6,806,000 6,833,000 6,862,000
Iowa 3,155,000 3,167,000 3,193,000 3,201,000 3,207,000
Kansas 2,913,000 2,917,000 2,935,000 2,937,000 2,941,000
Kentucky 4,468,000 4,477,000 4,509,000 4,512,000 4,526,000
Louisiana 4,649,000 4,637,000 4,624,000 4,590,000 4,574,000
Maine 1,344,000 1,333,000 1,372,000 1,385,000 1,396,000
Maryland 6,046,000 6,039,000 6,165,000 6,165,000 6,180,000
Massachusetts 6,893,000 6,893,000 6,985,000 6,982,000 7,001,000
Michigan 9,987,000 10,005,000 10,051,000 10,034,000 10,037,000
Minnesota 5,640,000 5,637,000 5,707,000 5,717,000 5,738,000
Mississippi 2,976,000 2,949,000 2,950,000 2,940,000 2,940,000
Missouri 6,137,000 6,161,000 6,168,000 6,178,000 6,196,000
Montana 1,069,000 1,071,000 1,104,000 1,123,000 1,133,000
Nebraska 1,934,000 1,910,000 1,964,000 1,968,000 1,978,000
Nevada 3,080,000 3,160,000 3,144,000 3,178,000 3,194,000
New Hampshire 1,360,000 1,370,000 1,389,000 1,395,000 1,402,000
New Jersey 8,882,000 8,866,000 9,267,000 9,262,000 9,291,000
New Mexico 2,097,000 2,104,000 2,116,000 2,113,000 2,114,000
New York 19,454,000 19,342,000 19,836,000 19,677,000 19,571,000
North Carolina 10,488,000 10,635,000 10,551,000 10,699,000 10,835,000
North Dakota 762,000 762,000 775,000 779,000 784,000
Ohio 11,689,000 11,697,000 11,780,000 11,756,000 11,786,000
Oklahoma 3,957,000 4,004,000 3,987,000 4,020,000 4,054,000
Oregon 4,218,000 4,235,000 4,246,000 4,240,000 4,233,000
Pennsylvania 12,802,000 12,808,000 12,964,000 12,972,000 12,962,000
Rhode Island 1,059,000 1,064,000 1,096,000 1,094,000 1,096,000
South Carolina 5,149,000 5,215,000 5,191,000 5,283,000 5,374,000
South Dakota 885,000 904,000 895,000 910,000 919,000
Tennessee 6,829,000 6,909,000 6,975,000 7,051,000 7,126,000
Texas 28,996,000 29,354,000 29,528,000 30,030,000 30,503,000
Utah 3,206,000 3,265,000 3,338,000 3,381,000 3,418,000
Vermont 624,000 624,000 646,000 647,000 647,000
Virginia 8,536,000 8,565,000 8,642,000 8,684,000 8,716,000
Washington 7,615,000 7,697,000 7,739,000 7,786,000 7,813,000
West Virginia 1,792,000 1,791,000 1,783,000 1,775,000 1,770,000
Wisconsin 5,822,000 5,838,000 5,896,000 5,893,000 5,911,000
Wyoming 579,000 574,000 579,000 581,000 584,000
Puerto Rico 3,194,000 * 3,264,000 3,222,000 3,206,000
Note: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2020 - 2023), which is subject to sampling variability.
*Data for Puerto Rico was not released in 2020.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.2 - Resident Population Projections - States: 2025 to 2030

Table 1.2 - Resident Population Projections - States: 2025 to 2030
State 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
U.S. 349,439,000 352,229,000 355,035,000 357,862,000 360,711,000 363,584,000
Alabama 4,800,000 4,815,000 4,830,000 4,845,000 4,860,000 4,874,000
Alaska 821,000 831,000 840,000 849,000 859,000 868,000
Arizona 9,532,000 9,760,000 9,993,000 10,229,000 10,469,000 10,712,000
Arkansas 3,151,000 3,169,000 3,187,000 3,205,000 3,223,000 3,240,000
California 44,305,000 44,731,000 45,157,000 45,585,000 46,014,000 46,445,000
Colorado 5,523,000 5,574,000 5,627,000 5,681,000 5,736,000 5,792,000
Connecticut 3,691,000 3,692,000 3,692,000 3,691,000 3,690,000 3,689,000
Delaware 991,000 995,000 1,000,000 1,004,000 1,009,000 1,013,000
Florida 25,912,000 26,450,000 26,996,000 27,550,000 28,113,000 28,686,000
Georgia 11,439,000 11,556,000 11,673,000 11,789,000 11,904,000 12,018,000
Hawaii 1,439,000 1,444,000 1,450,000 1,455,000 1,461,000 1,466,000
Idaho 1,853,000 1,875,000 1,898,000 1,922,000 1,946,000 1,970,000
Illinois 13,341,000 13,359,000 13,378,000 13,396,000 13,415,000 13,433,000
Indiana 6,721,000 6,739,000 6,757,000 6,775,000 6,792,000 6,810,000
Iowa 2,993,000 2,986,000 2,979,000 2,971,000 2,963,000 2,955,000
Kansas 2,919,000 2,924,000 2,928,000 2,932,000 2,936,000 2,940,000
Kentucky 4,490,000 4,502,000 4,515,000 4,528,000 4,542,000 4,555,000
Louisiana 4,762,000 4,771,000 4,780,000 4,788,000 4,795,000 4,803,000
Maine 1,414,000 1,414,000 1,414,000 1,413,000 1,412,000 1,411,000
Maryland 6,763,000 6,814,000 6,866,000 6,917,000 6,970,000 7,022,000
Massachusetts 6,939,000 6,954,000 6,969,000 6,984,000 6,998,000 7,012,000
Michigan 10,714,000 10,711,000 10,708,000 10,704,000 10,699,000 10,694,000
Minnesota 6,109,000 6,148,000 6,188,000 6,227,000 6,267,000 6,306,000
Mississippi 3,069,000 3,074,000 3,079,000 3,083,000 3,088,000 3,092,000
Missouri 6,315,000 6,338,000 6,361,000 6,384,000 6,407,000 6,430,000
Montana 1,037,000 1,039,000 1,041,000 1,043,000 1,044,000 1,045,000
Nebraska 1,813,000 1,815,000 1,816,000 1,818,000 1,819,000 1,820,000
Nevada 3,863,000 3,947,000 4,030,000 4,114,000 4,198,000 4,282,000
New Hampshire 1,586,000 1,598,000 1,610,000 1,622,000 1,634,000 1,646,000
New Jersey 9,637,000 9,670,000 9,703,000 9,736,000 9,769,000 9,802,000
New Mexico 2,107,000 2,108,000 2,108,000 2,107,000 2,104,000 2,100,000
New York 19,540,000 19,528,000 19,516,000 19,503,000 19,490,000 19,477,000
North Carolina 11,449,000 11,602,000 11,756,000 11,912,000 12,069,000 12,228,000
North Dakota 621,000 618,000 616,000 613,000 610,000 607,000
Ohio 11,606,000 11,595,000 11,584,000 11,573,000 11,562,000 11,551,000
Oklahoma 3,821,000 3,839,000 3,858,000 3,876,000 3,895,000 3,913,000
Oregon 4,536,000 4,595,000 4,654,000 4,713,000 4,773,000 4,834,000
Pennsylvania 12,802,000 12,799,000 12,793,000 12,787,000 12,778,000 12,768,000
Rhode Island 1,158,000 1,157,000 1,157,000 1,156,000 1,154,000 1,153,000
South Carolina 4,990,000 5,022,000 5,054,000 5,086,000 5,117,000 5,149,000
South Dakota 802,000 802,000 801,000 801,000 801,000 800,000
Tennessee 7,073,000 7,134,000 7,195,000 7,256,000 7,318,000 7,381,000
Texas 30,865,000 31,339,000 31,821,000 32,311,000 32,810,000 33,318,000
Utah 3,226,000 3,276,000 3,328,000 3,380,000 3,432,000 3,485,000
Vermont 703,000 705,000 707,000 709,000 710,000 712,000
Virginia 9,364,000 9,455,000 9,546,000 9,638,000 9,731,000 9,825,000
Washington 7,996,000 8,119,000 8,243,000 8,368,000 8,496,000 8,625,000
West Virginia 1,766,000 1,758,000 1,749,000 1,740,000 1,730,000 1,720,000
Wisconsin 6,088,000 6,102,000 6,115,000 6,127,000 6,139,000 6,151,000
Wyoming 529,000 528,000 527,000 526,000 525,000 523,000
Note: Sourced from the CDC Wonder Population Projections. Based on a sample and subject to sampling variability.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.3 Civilians with and without Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.3 Civilians with and without Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability No Disability
# # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 168,000 13.5 0.1 285,382,000 164,000 86.5 0.1
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 22,000 16.6 0.5 4,189,000 22,000 83.4 0.5
Alaska 704,000 102,000 10,000 14.5 1.5 601,000 11,000 85.5 1.5
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 27,000 14.0 0.4 6,300,000 27,000 86.0 0.4
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 17,000 17.9 0.6 2,475,000 18,000 82.1 0.6
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 49,000 11.7 0.2 33,981,000 49,000 88.3 0.2
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 19,000 11.7 0.3 5,105,000 21,000 88.3 0.3
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 17,000 12.5 0.5 3,129,000 17,000 87.5 0.5
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 10,000 14.3 0.9 873,000 10,000 85.7 0.9
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 9,000 11.5 1.4 592,000 9,000 88.5 1.4
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 38,000 13.7 0.2 19,221,000 38,000 86.3 0.2
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 26,000 13.5 0.3 9,378,000 25,000 86.5 0.3
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 11,000 14.6 0.8 1,179,000 12,000 85.4 0.8
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 12,000 13.9 0.6 1,669,000 12,000 86.1 0.6
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 35,000 12.6 0.3 10,822,000 35,000 87.4 0.3
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 26,000 14.5 0.4 5,784,000 26,000 85.5 0.4
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 17,000 13.4 0.6 2,740,000 17,000 86.6 0.6
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 14,000 13.9 0.5 2,474,000 14,000 86.1 0.5
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 20,000 17.9 0.4 3,649,000 20,000 82.1 0.4
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 22,000 17.2 0.5 3,708,000 22,000 82.8 0.5
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 13,000 16.1 0.9 1,157,000 13,000 83.9 0.9
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 19,000 11.6 0.3 5,381,000 20,000 88.4 0.3
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 22,000 12.7 0.4 6,052,000 22,000 87.3 0.4
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 28,000 14.7 0.3 8,472,000 28,000 85.3 0.3
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 22,000 11.2 0.4 5,040,000 21,000 88.8 0.4
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 17,000 17.6 0.6 2,369,000 17,000 82.4 0.6
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 21,000 15.1 0.4 5,182,000 22,000 84.9 0.4
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 11,000 15.3 1.0 945,000 11,000 84.7 1.0
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 13,000 12.8 0.7 1,702,000 13,000 87.2 0.7
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 16,000 14.5 0.5 2,697,000 15,000 85.5 0.5
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 10,000 13.6 0.7 1,198,000 10,000 86.4 0.7
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 20,000 10.8 0.2 8,207,000 20,000 89.2 0.2
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 17,000 17.8 0.9 1,706,000 17,000 82.2 0.9
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 39,000 13.0 0.2 16,849,000 39,000 87.0 0.2
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 29,000 13.5 0.3 9,188,000 29,000 86.5 0.3
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 9,000 12.6 1.2 666,000 10,000 87.4 1.2
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 30,000 14.6 0.3 9,919,000 30,000 85.4 0.3
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 20,000 17.6 0.5 3,267,000 21,000 82.4 0.5
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 18,000 14.9 0.4 3,568,000 18,000 85.1 0.4
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 33,000 14.6 0.3 10,914,000 33,000 85.4 0.3
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 10,000 14.5 1.0 923,000 11,000 85.5 1.0
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 21,000 15.2 0.4 4,475,000 21,000 84.8 0.4
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 9,000 12.3 1.0 790,000 9,000 87.7 1.0
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 21,000 14.5 0.3 6,012,000 21,000 85.5 0.3
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 53,000 12.7 0.2 26,225,000 53,000 87.3 0.2
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 14,000 11.1 0.4 3,015,000 14,000 88.9 0.4
Vermont 642,000 92,000 9,000 14.4 1.3 550,000 9,000 85.6 1.3
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 22,000 12.8 0.3 7,410,000 24,000 87.2 0.3
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 26,000 13.9 0.4 6,628,000 27,000 86.1 0.4
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 13,000 19.7 0.7 1,394,000 12,000 80.3 0.7
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 26,000 12.4 0.5 5,124,000 26,000 87.6 0.5
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 7,000 15.3 1.2 486,000 7,000 84.7 1.2
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 18,000 23.9 0.6 2,422,000 18,000 76.1 0.6
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The U.S. Census uses a series of six questions to identify persons with vision, hearing, cognitive, ambulatory, self-care, and independent living disabilities. The cognitive, ambulatory, and self-care related questions are not asked of persons less than five years old and the indpendent living related question is not asked of persons less than 15 years old. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.3). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.4 Civilians with Hearing Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.4 Civilians with Hearing Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Hearing Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 12,067,000 73,000 3.7 0.1 27.0 0.1
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 223,000 10,000 4.4 0.2 26.7 1.1
Alaska 704,000 102,000 35,000 6,000 5.0 0.8 34.5 4.2
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 298,000 13,000 4.1 0.2 29.1 1.1
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 146,000 7,000 4.9 0.3 27.1 1.3
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 1,183,000 22,000 3.1 0.1 26.2 0.4
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 212,000 11,000 3.7 0.2 31.4 1.4
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 106,000 8,000 3.0 0.3 23.7 1.8
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 38,000 5,000 3.7 0.5 26.2 3.1
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 14,000 3,000 2.1 0.5 17.8 4.0
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 881,000 21,000 4.0 0.1 28.8 0.6
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 371,000 12,000 3.4 0.1 25.5 0.8
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 63,000 7,000 4.5 0.5 31.2 2.6
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 87,000 7,000 4.5 0.3 32.5 2.1
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 390,000 15,000 3.1 0.2 25.0 0.9
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 251,000 10,000 3.7 0.2 25.6 1.0
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 117,000 8,000 3.7 0.3 27.7 1.7
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 119,000 8,000 4.2 0.3 29.9 1.8
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 225,000 10,000 5.1 0.3 28.2 1.2
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 204,000 11,000 4.6 0.3 26.4 1.3
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 71,000 6,000 5.1 0.5 31.9 2.5
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 167,000 9,000 2.7 0.2 23.6 1.1
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 216,000 12,000 3.1 0.2 24.5 1.2
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 373,000 16,000 3.8 0.2 25.5 1.0
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 198,000 11,000 3.5 0.2 31.0 1.5
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 123,000 8,000 4.3 0.3 24.3 1.5
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 254,000 10,000 4.2 0.2 27.6 1.0
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 58,000 6,000 5.2 0.5 34.1 2.5
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 71,000 7,000 3.6 0.3 28.3 2.3
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 131,000 9,000 4.2 0.3 28.7 1.6
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 57,000 6,000 4.1 0.4 30.2 2.8
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 245,000 12,000 2.7 0.2 24.6 1.1
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 109,000 7,000 5.2 0.4 29.4 1.6
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 582,000 16,000 3.0 0.1 23.0 0.6
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 410,000 14,000 3.9 0.2 28.5 0.9
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 33,000 5,000 4.3 0.7 34.1 4.0
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 442,000 17,000 3.8 0.2 26.0 0.9
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 211,000 10,000 5.3 0.3 30.2 1.3
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 182,000 11,000 4.3 0.3 29.0 1.7
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 473,000 18,000 3.7 0.1 25.3 0.9
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 41,000 5,000 3.8 0.4 26.2 2.6
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 212,000 10,000 4.0 0.2 26.5 1.2
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 34,000 4,000 3.7 0.5 30.5 3.0
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 289,000 12,000 4.1 0.2 28.2 1.1
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 1,046,000 23,000 3.5 0.1 27.5 0.5
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 102,000 8,000 3.0 0.3 27.0 2.0
Vermont 642,000 92,000 32,000 4,000 5.0 0.7 34.5 4.4
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 286,000 13,000 3.4 0.2 26.4 1.0
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 319,000 13,000 4.1 0.2 29.9 1.2
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 99,000 6,000 5.7 0.4 29.0 1.7
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 206,000 12,000 3.5 0.2 28.3 1.3
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 33,000 4,000 5.7 0.6 37.1 3.5
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 163,000 9,000 5.1 0.3 21.4 1.1
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The hearing disability question asks people of all ages, “Is this person deaf or does he/she have serious difficulty hearing?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.4). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.5 Civilians with Vision Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.5 Civilians with Vision Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Vision Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 8,291,000 85,000 2.5 0.0 18.6 0.2
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 160,000 10,000 3.2 0.2 19.2 1.0
Alaska 704,000 102,000 18,000 4,000 2.5 0.5 17.2 3.0
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 195,000 10,000 2.7 0.2 19.1 0.9
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 106,000 9,000 3.5 0.3 19.8 1.4
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 845,000 28,000 2.2 0.1 18.7 0.5
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 123,000 9,000 2.1 0.2 18.2 1.1
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 81,000 8,000 2.3 0.2 18.3 1.5
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 27,000 6,000 2.6 0.5 18.3 3.3
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 16,000 4,000 2.3 0.6 20.3 4.4
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 559,000 18,000 2.5 0.1 18.3 0.6
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 309,000 14,000 2.8 0.2 21.2 0.9
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 35,000 6,000 2.5 0.5 17.5 2.4
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 47,000 6,000 2.4 0.3 17.6 2.0
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 286,000 18,000 2.3 0.2 18.4 1.0
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 167,000 11,000 2.5 0.2 17.1 1.0
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 71,000 7,000 2.3 0.2 16.9 1.5
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 67,000 7,000 2.3 0.3 16.9 1.5
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 156,000 9,000 3.5 0.2 19.6 1.1
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 171,000 12,000 3.8 0.3 22.1 1.3
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 34,000 5,000 2.5 0.4 15.4 2.0
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 119,000 9,000 2.0 0.2 16.9 1.0
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 134,000 10,000 1.9 0.2 15.1 1.1
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 226,000 14,000 2.3 0.2 15.5 0.9
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 89,000 9,000 1.6 0.2 14.0 1.3
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 110,000 9,000 3.8 0.3 21.8 1.4
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 159,000 9,000 2.6 0.2 17.3 1.0
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 25,000 4,000 2.3 0.3 14.8 2.0
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 41,000 6,000 2.1 0.3 16.4 1.9
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 105,000 11,000 3.3 0.4 23.0 2.1
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 27,000 4,000 1.9 0.3 14.2 2.2
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 196,000 11,000 2.1 0.1 19.6 1.0
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 78,000 8,000 3.8 0.4 21.1 2.0
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 493,000 22,000 2.5 0.2 19.5 0.8
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 274,000 15,000 2.6 0.2 19.1 0.9
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 18,000 4,000 2.4 0.5 19.0 3.5
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 276,000 15,000 2.4 0.2 16.2 0.8
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 151,000 11,000 3.8 0.3 21.6 1.5
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 99,000 7,000 2.4 0.2 15.8 1.1
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 304,000 15,000 2.4 0.1 16.3 0.8
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 28,000 5,000 2.6 0.5 17.8 2.8
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 160,000 11,000 3.0 0.2 19.9 1.3
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 19,000 3,000 2.1 0.4 17.1 3.0
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 199,000 10,000 2.8 0.2 19.4 0.9
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 840,000 27,000 2.8 0.1 22.1 0.6
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 62,000 6,000 1.8 0.2 16.4 1.5
Vermont 642,000 92,000 14,000 3,000 2.1 0.4 14.7 2.9
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 200,000 12,000 2.4 0.2 18.4 1.0
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 184,000 11,000 2.4 0.2 17.2 0.9
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 62,000 6,000 3.6 0.3 18.1 1.5
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 109,000 12,000 1.9 0.2 15.1 1.4
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 16,000 3,000 2.7 0.6 17.8 3.4
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 237,000 11,000 7.5 0.4 31.3 1.3
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The vision disability question asks people of all ages, “Is this person blind or does he/she have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.5). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.6 Civilians with Cognitive Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.6 Civilians with Cognitive Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Cognitive Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 17,968,000 123,000 5.4 0.1 40.2 0.2
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 322,000 15,000 6.4 0.3 38.5 1.5
Alaska 704,000 102,000 43,000 6,000 6.1 0.8 42.1 4.1
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 398,000 18,000 5.4 0.3 38.9 1.2
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 221,000 14,000 7.3 0.5 41.1 1.8
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 1,846,000 33,000 4.8 0.1 40.8 0.6
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 280,000 15,000 4.9 0.3 41.5 1.6
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 188,000 13,000 5.3 0.4 42.1 2.0
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 55,000 7,000 5.4 0.7 38.1 3.3
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 34,000 6,000 5.1 0.8 44.2 4.3
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 1,148,000 28,000 5.2 0.2 37.5 0.7
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 582,000 19,000 5.4 0.2 39.9 1.0
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 82,000 7,000 6.0 0.5 40.9 2.6
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 110,000 9,000 5.7 0.5 40.8 2.5
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 584,000 21,000 4.7 0.2 37.5 0.9
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 410,000 19,000 6.1 0.3 41.9 1.4
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 168,000 13,000 5.3 0.4 39.8 2.3
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 168,000 11,000 5.8 0.4 41.9 1.9
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 325,000 15,000 7.3 0.4 40.8 1.4
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 314,000 15,000 7.0 0.3 40.7 1.6
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 96,000 10,000 7.0 0.7 43.5 3.2
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 280,000 15,000 4.6 0.2 39.6 1.6
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 391,000 18,000 5.6 0.3 44.3 1.5
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 607,000 21,000 6.1 0.2 41.5 1.1
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 281,000 16,000 5.0 0.3 44.1 1.7
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 199,000 12,000 6.9 0.5 39.2 1.8
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 374,000 16,000 6.1 0.3 40.6 1.3
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 67,000 8,000 6.0 0.7 39.4 3.1
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 95,000 9,000 4.9 0.5 38.2 2.8
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 175,000 11,000 5.5 0.4 38.2 1.8
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 78,000 8,000 5.6 0.6 41.2 2.8
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 376,000 14,000 4.1 0.2 37.7 1.1
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 148,000 12,000 7.1 0.6 39.8 2.2
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 987,000 24,000 5.1 0.1 39.1 0.8
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 561,000 20,000 5.3 0.2 39.1 1.0
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 37,000 6,000 4.9 0.8 38.7 4.4
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 715,000 21,000 6.2 0.2 42.1 1.0
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 281,000 15,000 7.1 0.4 40.3 1.6
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 266,000 13,000 6.3 0.3 42.4 1.5
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 798,000 26,000 6.2 0.2 42.7 1.1
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 70,000 8,000 6.5 0.7 44.5 3.1
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 295,000 14,000 5.6 0.3 36.9 1.3
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 43,000 7,000 4.7 0.8 38.4 4.4
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 402,000 14,000 5.7 0.2 39.3 1.0
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 1,500,000 30,000 5.0 0.1 39.4 0.6
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 172,000 11,000 5.1 0.3 45.5 2.0
Vermont 642,000 92,000 41,000 6,000 6.4 1.0 44.3 4.6
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 434,000 17,000 5.1 0.2 40.0 1.1
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 471,000 17,000 6.1 0.2 44.1 1.1
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 131,000 10,000 7.6 0.6 38.3 2.2
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 288,000 15,000 4.9 0.3 39.6 1.5
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 33,000 6,000 5.7 1.1 37.4 4.7
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 311,000 16,000 9.8 0.5 40.9 1.7
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The cognitive disability question asks people 5 years and older, “Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.6). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.7 Civilians with Ambulatory Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.7 Civilians with Ambulatory Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Ambulatory Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 20,778,000 103,000 6.3 0.0 46.5 0.2
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 428,000 15,000 8.5 0.3 51.2 1.3
Alaska 704,000 102,000 41,000 6,000 5.8 0.8 39.7 4.3
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 466,000 15,000 6.4 0.2 45.6 1.1
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 262,000 12,000 8.7 0.4 48.7 1.5
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 2,170,000 31,000 5.6 0.1 48.0 0.5
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 261,000 13,000 4.5 0.2 38.7 1.6
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 200,000 10,000 5.6 0.3 45.0 1.5
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 70,000 7,000 6.9 0.7 48.2 3.7
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 36,000 6,000 5.4 0.8 46.9 4.6
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 1,513,000 26,000 6.8 0.1 49.4 0.8
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 697,000 21,000 6.4 0.2 47.8 1.1
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 90,000 7,000 6.6 0.5 45.0 2.4
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 104,000 8,000 5.3 0.4 38.5 2.1
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 759,000 20,000 6.1 0.2 48.7 0.9
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 452,000 18,000 6.7 0.3 46.2 1.4
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 174,000 11,000 5.5 0.3 41.2 2.2
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 171,000 10,000 6.0 0.4 42.8 1.9
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 395,000 13,000 8.9 0.3 49.6 1.4
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 369,000 15,000 8.2 0.4 47.8 1.5
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 85,000 8,000 6.1 0.6 38.2 2.7
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 327,000 12,000 5.4 0.2 46.3 1.5
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 382,000 13,000 5.5 0.2 43.3 1.1
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 667,000 19,000 6.7 0.2 45.6 1.0
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 262,000 14,000 4.6 0.3 41.0 1.8
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 264,000 12,000 9.2 0.4 52.1 1.8
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 430,000 14,000 7.0 0.3 46.7 1.1
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 69,000 7,000 6.2 0.6 40.5 2.9
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 103,000 9,000 5.3 0.4 41.2 2.8
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 215,000 10,000 6.8 0.3 46.9 1.9
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 81,000 8,000 5.9 0.5 43.1 2.9
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 471,000 13,000 5.1 0.2 47.3 1.1
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 174,000 11,000 8.4 0.5 46.9 2.0
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 1,293,000 29,000 6.7 0.2 51.2 0.8
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 696,000 18,000 6.6 0.2 48.5 0.9
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 40,000 5,000 5.2 0.6 41.2 3.6
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 771,000 19,000 6.6 0.2 45.4 0.9
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 327,000 13,000 8.2 0.4 46.8 1.5
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 268,000 10,000 6.4 0.2 42.8 1.3
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 846,000 23,000 6.6 0.2 45.3 0.9
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 65,000 6,000 6.0 0.5 41.2 2.9
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 391,000 12,000 7.4 0.2 48.8 1.3
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 47,000 5,000 5.2 0.5 42.7 3.5
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 499,000 14,000 7.1 0.2 48.8 1.1
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 1,709,000 32,000 5.7 0.1 44.9 0.7
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 135,000 9,000 4.0 0.3 35.8 1.9
Vermont 642,000 92,000 37,000 6,000 5.7 1.0 40.0 4.9
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 487,000 15,000 5.7 0.2 44.9 1.1
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 441,000 16,000 5.7 0.2 41.4 1.1
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 180,000 10,000 10.4 0.6 52.5 2.1
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 320,000 12,000 5.5 0.2 44.1 1.3
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 37,000 5,000 6.4 0.8 41.5 4.4
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 396,000 12,000 12.4 0.4 52.1 1.4
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The ambulatory disability question asks people 5 years and older, “Does this person have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.7). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.8 Civilians with Self-Care Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.8 Civilians with Self-Care Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Self-Care Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 8,023,000 60,000 2.4 0.0 18.0 0.2
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 144,000 10,000 2.9 0.2 17.2 1.1
Alaska 704,000 102,000 15,000 3,000 2.1 0.4 14.3 2.6
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 165,000 10,000 2.3 0.2 16.1 0.9
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 99,000 7,000 3.3 0.3 18.4 1.3
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 1,018,000 20,000 2.6 0.1 22.5 0.4
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 101,000 7,000 1.7 0.1 14.9 0.9
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 76,000 7,000 2.1 0.2 17.0 1.4
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 23,000 4,000 2.3 0.4 16.1 2.5
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 12,000 3,000 1.8 0.4 15.9 3.1
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 546,000 20,000 2.5 0.1 17.9 0.6
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 255,000 13,000 2.4 0.2 17.5 0.8
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 32,000 6,000 2.3 0.4 16.1 2.4
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 39,000 5,000 2.0 0.3 14.4 1.7
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 289,000 16,000 2.3 0.2 18.5 0.9
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 164,000 10,000 2.4 0.2 16.7 0.9
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 58,000 6,000 1.8 0.2 13.7 1.3
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 59,000 6,000 2.0 0.3 14.7 1.3
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 148,000 9,000 3.3 0.2 18.7 1.1
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 131,000 9,000 2.9 0.2 17.0 1.1
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 33,000 5,000 2.4 0.3 14.8 2.1
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 123,000 8,000 2.0 0.2 17.4 1.2
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 171,000 10,000 2.5 0.2 19.3 1.0
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 253,000 14,000 2.5 0.2 17.3 0.8
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 112,000 9,000 2.0 0.2 17.5 1.2
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 85,000 7,000 2.9 0.3 16.7 1.2
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 154,000 10,000 2.5 0.2 16.8 1.0
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 25,000 4,000 2.2 0.4 14.5 2.3
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 33,000 5,000 1.7 0.3 13.2 1.9
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 84,000 8,000 2.7 0.3 18.3 1.5
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 31,000 5,000 2.2 0.4 16.5 2.3
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 196,000 10,000 2.1 0.1 19.7 0.9
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 59,000 6,000 2.8 0.3 15.9 1.5
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 537,000 19,000 2.8 0.1 21.2 0.7
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 250,000 12,000 2.4 0.1 17.4 0.7
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 15,000 3,000 2.0 0.4 15.7 2.7
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 277,000 11,000 2.4 0.1 16.3 0.7
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 102,000 7,000 2.6 0.2 14.6 1.0
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 112,000 7,000 2.7 0.2 17.9 1.1
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 324,000 16,000 2.5 0.2 17.3 0.8
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 27,000 4,000 2.5 0.4 17.2 2.5
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 140,000 9,000 2.7 0.2 17.5 1.1
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 15,000 3,000 1.7 0.3 13.7 2.4
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 181,000 11,000 2.6 0.2 17.7 1.0
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 673,000 19,000 2.2 0.1 17.7 0.5
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 53,000 6,000 1.6 0.2 13.9 1.3
Vermont 642,000 92,000 13,000 3,000 2.1 0.5 14.4 3.5
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 183,000 11,000 2.2 0.2 16.9 1.0
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 180,000 10,000 2.3 0.2 16.9 0.9
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 70,000 7,000 4.0 0.4 20.5 1.7
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 125,000 9,000 2.1 0.2 17.2 1.3
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 11,000 3,000 2.0 0.5 12.7 3.3
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 170,000 10,000 5.3 0.3 22.4 1.2
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The self-care disability question asks people 5 years and older, “Does this person have difficulty dressing or bathing?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.8). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 1.9 Civilians with Independent Living Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023

Table 1.9 Civilians with Independent Living Disabilities Living in the Community for the United States and States: 2023
State Total Disability Independent Living Disability
# # # ME# % of Tot. ME% of Tot. % of Dis. ME% of Dis.
U.S. 330,062,000 44,680,000 15,788,000 100,000 4.8 0.0 35.3 0.2
Alabama 5,025,000 835,000 296,000 14,000 5.9 0.3 35.5 1.3
Alaska 704,000 102,000 34,000 5,000 4.9 0.7 33.5 3.6
Arizona 7,323,000 1,023,000 339,000 15,000 4.6 0.2 33.1 1.1
Arkansas 3,014,000 539,000 188,000 11,000 6.2 0.4 34.8 1.7
California 38,502,000 4,521,000 1,813,000 28,000 4.7 0.1 40.1 0.5
Colorado 5,780,000 675,000 212,000 11,000 3.7 0.2 31.4 1.5
Connecticut 3,574,000 445,000 161,000 10,000 4.5 0.3 36.1 1.7
Delaware 1,018,000 145,000 53,000 5,000 5.2 0.5 36.3 2.8
District of Columbia 669,000 77,000 26,000 4,000 3.9 0.6 34.0 4.3
Florida 22,281,000 3,061,000 1,062,000 23,000 4.8 0.1 34.7 0.6
Georgia 10,836,000 1,458,000 497,000 16,000 4.6 0.2 34.1 0.9
Hawaii 1,380,000 201,000 78,000 7,000 5.6 0.5 38.6 2.6
Idaho 1,938,000 269,000 83,000 8,000 4.3 0.4 31.0 2.4
Illinois 12,380,000 1,557,000 574,000 19,000 4.6 0.2 36.9 1.0
Indiana 6,764,000 980,000 346,000 15,000 5.1 0.2 35.3 1.2
Iowa 3,163,000 422,000 134,000 10,000 4.2 0.4 31.8 1.8
Kansas 2,874,000 400,000 130,000 8,000 4.5 0.3 32.5 1.7
Kentucky 4,445,000 796,000 281,000 11,000 6.3 0.3 35.4 1.2
Louisiana 4,479,000 772,000 253,000 11,000 5.6 0.3 32.7 1.3
Maine 1,379,000 222,000 77,000 8,000 5.6 0.6 34.7 3.1
Maryland 6,087,000 706,000 243,000 11,000 4.0 0.2 34.4 1.4
Massachusetts 6,935,000 884,000 338,000 15,000 4.9 0.2 38.2 1.4
Michigan 9,934,000 1,461,000 521,000 17,000 5.2 0.2 35.6 1.0
Minnesota 5,678,000 638,000 223,000 12,000 3.9 0.2 34.9 1.6
Mississippi 2,876,000 508,000 163,000 9,000 5.7 0.3 32.1 1.4
Missouri 6,103,000 920,000 320,000 16,000 5.2 0.3 34.8 1.4
Montana 1,116,000 171,000 52,000 7,000 4.7 0.6 30.7 2.9
Nebraska 1,951,000 249,000 74,000 7,000 3.8 0.4 29.8 2.4
Nevada 3,155,000 458,000 151,000 9,000 4.8 0.3 33.0 1.6
New Hampshire 1,386,000 189,000 65,000 7,000 4.7 0.5 34.3 2.8
New Jersey 9,205,000 997,000 382,000 13,000 4.1 0.2 38.3 1.2
New Mexico 2,077,000 371,000 131,000 9,000 6.3 0.4 35.2 1.9
New York 19,376,000 2,527,000 998,000 27,000 5.1 0.2 39.5 0.8
North Carolina 10,624,000 1,436,000 484,000 17,000 4.6 0.2 33.7 0.9
North Dakota 762,000 96,000 30,000 4,000 3.9 0.6 31.3 3.4
Ohio 11,617,000 1,698,000 585,000 16,000 5.0 0.2 34.4 0.9
Oklahoma 3,966,000 698,000 221,000 11,000 5.6 0.3 31.6 1.5
Oregon 4,194,000 626,000 233,000 11,000 5.6 0.3 37.3 1.4
Pennsylvania 12,781,000 1,867,000 684,000 20,000 5.4 0.2 36.6 0.9
Rhode Island 1,080,000 157,000 55,000 6,000 5.1 0.6 35.3 3.1
South Carolina 5,276,000 801,000 272,000 14,000 5.1 0.3 33.9 1.4
South Dakota 901,000 111,000 32,000 4,000 3.5 0.5 28.5 3.1
Tennessee 7,035,000 1,023,000 363,000 13,000 5.2 0.2 35.5 1.0
Texas 30,031,000 3,807,000 1,244,000 29,000 4.1 0.1 32.7 0.6
Utah 3,393,000 378,000 123,000 8,000 3.6 0.3 32.6 1.8
Vermont 642,000 92,000 27,000 4,000 4.2 0.6 29.0 3.9
Virginia 8,495,000 1,085,000 374,000 14,000 4.4 0.2 34.5 1.1
Washington 7,695,000 1,067,000 375,000 15,000 4.9 0.2 35.1 1.2
West Virginia 1,737,000 342,000 129,000 9,000 7.4 0.5 37.7 2.0
Wisconsin 5,851,000 727,000 236,000 11,000 4.0 0.2 32.5 1.3
Wyoming 574,000 88,000 24,000 3,000 4.2 0.6 27.5 3.2
Puerto Rico 3,182,000 759,000 323,000 14,000 10.1 0.5 42.5 1.5
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S Census Bureau American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, which is subject to sample variation. The independent living disability question asks people 15 years and older, “Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor’s office or shopping?”. See glossary for more information. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 1.9). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.