This section presents statistics on Social Security Administration programs in the United States. Specifically, these data concern the number of beneficiaries served by, and the amount spent on, Social Security Income and Social Security Disability Insurance, by disability status. A table also addresses those who have concurrent benefits (are enrolled in both programs), by disability status. The principal source of this data is the Social Security Administration, specifically the 2023 Annual Statistical Supplement (‘Supplement’). The 2023 Annual Statistical Supplement provides information about programs administrated by the Social Security Administration. In part, data in the Supplement provide a basis for research and policy recommendations for the programs. In this section, disability status under Social Security is based on the ability to work. A person is considered disabled if they cannot do the work they did before; cannot adjust to other work because of a medical condition; and if the disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or result in death. Definitions for aged (65 and older), blindness (statutory blindness), disabled adult child(ren), and disabled widow(er)s are specific to the Social Security Administration and the Social Security Act and can be found on the Social Security Administration website.
Table 12.1: In December 2023, of the 7,424,302 individuals who received federally administered payments from the Supplemental Security Income program, 1,160,608 were eligible based on being 65 years or older, 63,877 were eligible based on blindness, and 6,199,817 were eligible based on disability status. Table 12.1 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments: December 2023
Table 12.2: In December 2023, of the $61,375,418,000 of federally administered payments from the Supplemental Security Income program, $7,294,542,000 were spent on individuals eligible based on 65 years or older, $544,835,000 were spent on individuals eligible based on blindness, and $53,536,042,000 were spent on individuals eligible based on disability status. Table 12.2 Supplemental Security Income - Total Federally Administered Payments, in Thousands: December 2023
Table 12.3: In December 2023, of the 982,950 individuals under age 18 who received federally administered payments from the Supplemental Security Income program, 4,807 were eligible based on blindness, and 978,143 were eligible based on disability status. Table 12.3 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments Under Age 18: December 2023
Table 12.4: In December 2023, of the 562,418 individuals were awarded federally administered payments from the Supplemental Security Income program, 138,612 were under age 18, 300,001 were ages 18-64, and 123,805 were ages 65 and older. Table 12.4 Supplemental Security Income - Number of New Federally Administered Awards by Age: December 2023
Table 12.5a: In December 2023, of the 8,538,030 individuals who were beneficiaries under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, 7,224,442 were workers with disabilities, 197,303 were widow(er)s, and 1,116,285 were disabled adult children. Table 12.5a Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries: December 2023
Tables 12.5b-12.5g: In December 2023, of the 8,538,030 individuals who were beneficiaries under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, 298,512 were receiving benefits on the basis of injuries. Table 12.5b Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 Table 12.5c Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 Table 12.5d Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 Table 12.5e Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 Table 12.5f Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 Table 12.5g Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.6: In December 2023, of the $12,475,906,000 spent on individuals who were beneficiaries under the Social Security Disability Insurance program, $11,129,841,000 was spent on disabled workers, $182,909,000 was spent on disabled widow(er)s, and $1,163,158,000 was spent on disabled adult children. Table 12.6 Supplemental Security Disability Insurance - Total Annual Benefits: December 2023
Table 12.7a: From 2022 to 2023, the total number of recipients of Supplemental Security Income changed by -1.6%. The total number of recipients changed the least in and North Dakota (by -0.1%); had the greatest decrease in Alaska (by -5.4%); and had the greatest increase in Minnesota (by 0.4%). From 2022 to 2023 the number of aged recipients of Supplemental Security Income changed by 2%. The number of aged recipients changed the least in Iowa (by 0.3%); had the greatest decrease in Alaska (by -3.4%); and had the greatest increase in Minnesota (by 5.9%) (if these values are negative, no increase was observed). Table 12.7a Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Total and Age Eligible: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.7b: From 2022 to 2023, the number of blind recipients of Supplemental Security Income changed by -0.8%. The number of blind recipients changed the least in Alaska, Montana and New York (by 0%); had the greatest decrease in Maine (by -4.5%); and had the greatest increase in Delaware (by 11.9%). From 2022 to 2023 the number of disabled recipients of Supplemental Security Income changed by -2.2%. The number of disabled recipients changed the least in North Dakota (by -0.1%); had the greatest decrease in Alaska (by -5.8%); and had the greatest increase in North Dakota (by -0.1%) (if these values are negative, no increase was observed). Table 12.7b Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Blind and Disabled: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.8a: From 2022 to 2023, the total number of beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance changed by -2.8%. The total number of beneficiaries changed the least in and North Dakota (by -0.8%); had the greatest decrease in California (by -3.9%); and had the greatest increase in North Dakota (by -0.8%). From 2022 to 2023 the number of disabled worker beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance changed by -3.1%. The number of disabled worker beneficiaries changed the least in North Dakota (by -1%); had the greatest decrease in California (by -4.5%); and had the greatest increase in North Dakota (by -1%) (if these values are negative, no increase was observed). Table 12.8a Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by All Disabled Beneficiaries and Disabled Workers: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.8b: From 2022 to 2023, the number of disabled widow(er) beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance changed by -5%. The number of disabled widow(er) beneficiaries changed the least in and Alaska (by -0.4%); had the greatest decrease in the District of Columbia (by -8.7%); and had the greatest increase in Alaska (by -0.4%). From 2022 to 2023 the number of disabled adult children beneficiaries of Social Security Disability Insurance changed by 0.3%. The number of disabled adult children beneficiaries changed the least in Oregon (by 0%); had the greatest decrease in the District of Columbia (by -1.5%); and had the greatest increase in Utah (by 2.7%) (if these values are negative, no increase was observed). Table 12.8b Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by Disabled Widow(er)s and Disabled Adult Children: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.9: The monthly number of Social Security Disability Insurance applicants changed from 186,874 in January of 2005 to 124,555 in December of 2024. The highest number was observed in October of 2010 with 293,682; while the lowest number was observed in November of 2022 with 122,186.Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December
Table 12.1 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments: December 2023
Table 12.1 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments: December 2023 | ||||
State | Total | Eligibility Category | ||
Aged | Blind | Disabled | ||
U.S. | 7,424,302 | 1,160,608 | 63,877 | 6,199,817 |
Alabama | 142,655 | 7,556 | 979 | 134,120 |
Alaska | 10,758 | 1,570 | 69 | 9,119 |
Arizona | 111,780 | 18,185 | 1,106 | 92,489 |
Arkansas | 95,811 | 4,503 | 687 | 90,621 |
California | 1,114,946 | 341,913 | 14,164 | 758,869 |
Colorado | 66,772 | 11,171 | 537 | 55,064 |
Connecticut | 65,337 | 7,889 | 434 | 57,014 |
Delaware | 16,015 | 1,446 | 122 | 14,447 |
District of Columbia | 22,939 | 2,447 | 145 | 20,347 |
Florida | 539,255 | 151,875 | 3,569 | 383,811 |
Georgia | 245,978 | 27,618 | 2,189 | 216,171 |
Hawaii | 21,009 | 5,170 | 184 | 15,655 |
Idaho | 27,763 | 1,696 | 234 | 25,833 |
Illinois | 240,653 | 30,814 | 2,231 | 207,608 |
Indiana | 119,965 | 6,603 | 945 | 112,417 |
Iowa | 48,890 | 2,989 | 594 | 45,307 |
Kansas | 44,685 | 2,897 | 369 | 41,419 |
Kentucky | 153,857 | 8,647 | 1,000 | 144,210 |
Louisiana | 157,219 | 10,390 | 1,326 | 145,503 |
Maine | 33,050 | 1,719 | 193 | 31,138 |
Maryland | 113,353 | 15,788 | 780 | 96,785 |
Massachusetts | 164,783 | 25,757 | 1,883 | 137,143 |
Michigan | 248,307 | 20,541 | 1,697 | 226,069 |
Minnesota | 88,376 | 11,761 | 727 | 75,888 |
Mississippi | 105,340 | 6,951 | 930 | 97,459 |
Missouri | 126,973 | 6,960 | 971 | 119,042 |
Montana | 15,923 | 1,574 | 136 | 14,213 |
Nebraska | 27,855 | 2,457 | 251 | 25,147 |
Nevada | 52,976 | 15,795 | 695 | 36,486 |
New Hampshire | 15,852 | 866 | 116 | 14,870 |
New Jersey | 163,661 | 34,970 | 884 | 127,807 |
New Mexico | 55,293 | 7,223 | 477 | 47,593 |
New York | 562,755 | 112,111 | 2,924 | 447,720 |
North Carolina | 214,549 | 17,365 | 1,843 | 195,341 |
North Dakota | 7,864 | 605 | 70 | 7,189 |
Ohio | 288,748 | 18,448 | 2,013 | 268,287 |
Oklahoma | 92,237 | 6,027 | 770 | 85,440 |
Oregon | 81,715 | 9,509 | 559 | 71,647 |
Pennsylvania | 324,958 | 26,819 | 2,117 | 296,022 |
Rhode Island | 30,283 | 3,286 | 158 | 26,839 |
South Carolina | 104,801 | 8,148 | 1,181 | 95,472 |
South Dakota | 13,799 | 1,590 | 137 | 12,072 |
Tennessee | 160,167 | 10,499 | 1,483 | 148,185 |
Texas | 582,001 | 98,977 | 6,411 | 476,613 |
Utah | 29,948 | 2,838 | 282 | 26,828 |
Vermont | 13,709 | 849 | 80 | 12,780 |
Virginia | 146,622 | 17,906 | 1,076 | 127,640 |
Washington | 134,979 | 18,359 | 864 | 115,756 |
West Virginia | 63,130 | 2,340 | 414 | 60,376 |
Wisconsin | 107,428 | 6,827 | 811 | 99,790 |
Wyoming | 6,580 | 364 | 60 | 6,156 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.2 Supplemental Security Income - Total Federally Administered Payments, in Thousands: December 2023
Table 12.2 Supplemental Security Income - Total Federally Administered Payments, in Thousands: December 2023 | ||||
State | Total $ | Eligibility Category $ | ||
Aged | Blind | Disabled | ||
U.S. | 61,375,418 | 7,294,542 | 544,835 | 53,536,042 |
Alabama | 1,130,389 | 32,098 | 7,579 | 1,090,712 |
Alaska | 85,480 | 7,468 | 511 | 77,501 |
Arizona | 897,139 | 100,921 | 9,444 | 786,774 |
Arkansas | 772,940 | 17,521 | 5,326 | 750,093 |
California | 10,559,798 | 2,628,016 | 147,812 | 7,783,971 |
Colorado | 534,485 | 64,402 | 4,341 | 465,742 |
Connecticut | 527,689 | 44,933 | 3,561 | 479,196 |
Delaware | 134,831 | 8,021 | 978 | 125,832 |
District of Columbia | 198,640 | 14,466 | 1,313 | 182,861 |
Florida | 4,250,432 | 979,654 | 28,947 | 3,241,831 |
Georgia | 1,969,853 | 134,121 | 17,549 | 1,818,183 |
Hawaii | 173,474 | 31,603 | 1,527 | 140,345 |
Idaho | 223,091 | 8,392 | 1,895 | 212,805 |
Illinois | 1,984,898 | 181,251 | 18,325 | 1,785,323 |
Indiana | 999,616 | 33,811 | 7,402 | 958,402 |
Iowa | 386,341 | 14,844 | 4,365 | 367,132 |
Kansas | 364,877 | 15,243 | 3,031 | 346,603 |
Kentucky | 1,227,705 | 40,622 | 7,865 | 1,179,217 |
Louisiana | 1,277,693 | 46,823 | 10,108 | 1,220,763 |
Maine | 260,198 | 7,657 | 1,496 | 251,045 |
Maryland | 954,693 | 96,467 | 6,440 | 851,786 |
Massachusetts | 1,308,102 | 165,339 | 14,258 | 1,128,506 |
Michigan | 2,066,225 | 124,133 | 13,762 | 1,928,330 |
Minnesota | 736,038 | 81,606 | 5,996 | 648,435 |
Mississippi | 823,889 | 26,213 | 7,159 | 790,517 |
Missouri | 1,007,770 | 35,327 | 7,703 | 964,739 |
Montana | 121,417 | 7,144 | 1,011 | 113,262 |
Nebraska | 219,992 | 13,231 | 1,928 | 204,834 |
Nevada | 435,791 | 95,768 | 5,970 | 334,053 |
New Hampshire | 123,402 | 4,522 | 834 | 118,046 |
New Jersey | 1,290,712 | 209,083 | 6,874 | 1,074,756 |
New Mexico | 431,162 | 33,882 | 3,914 | 393,366 |
New York | 4,503,878 | 661,191 | 23,338 | 3,819,349 |
North Carolina | 1,694,934 | 78,077 | 14,620 | 1,602,237 |
North Dakota | 59,626 | 3,479 | 473 | 55,675 |
Ohio | 2,393,294 | 105,607 | 16,343 | 2,271,344 |
Oklahoma | 750,748 | 26,256 | 6,157 | 718,336 |
Oregon | 673,891 | 54,689 | 4,481 | 614,720 |
Pennsylvania | 2,729,900 | 161,717 | 16,955 | 2,551,227 |
Rhode Island | 240,979 | 18,080 | 1,226 | 221,673 |
South Carolina | 829,582 | 34,553 | 9,385 | 785,643 |
South Dakota | 107,150 | 8,540 | 1,074 | 97,536 |
Tennessee | 1,304,340 | 47,830 | 12,028 | 1,244,483 |
Texas | 4,506,986 | 497,686 | 50,969 | 3,958,331 |
Utah | 243,712 | 16,396 | 2,215 | 225,101 |
Vermont | 109,463 | 4,497 | 604 | 104,362 |
Virginia | 1,172,233 | 103,471 | 8,641 | 1,060,122 |
Washington | 1,137,342 | 121,584 | 7,088 | 1,008,671 |
West Virginia | 514,461 | 10,370 | 3,177 | 500,914 |
Wisconsin | 872,489 | 34,535 | 6,388 | 831,566 |
Wyoming | 51,648 | 1,406 | 452 | 49,790 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
$ in thousands. | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.3 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments Under Age 18: December 2023
Table 12.3 Supplemental Security Income - Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments Under Age 18: December 2023 | |||
State | Total | Eligibility Category | |
Blind | Disabled | ||
U.S. | 982,950 | 4,807 | 978,143 |
Alabama | 17,844 | 79 | 17,765 |
Alaska | 852 | 6 | 846 |
Arizona | 14,655 | 116 | 14,539 |
Arkansas | 21,759 | 64 | 21,695 |
California | 82,509 | 498 | 82,011 |
Colorado | 6,819 | 62 | 6,757 |
Connecticut | 8,530 | 28 | 8,502 |
Delaware | 2,856 | 4 | 2,852 |
District of Columbia | 3,202 | 4 | 3,198 |
Florida | 81,343 | 276 | 81,067 |
Georgia | 42,656 | 264 | 42,392 |
Hawaii | 1,064 | 15 | 1,049 |
Idaho | 3,613 | 21 | 3,592 |
Illinois | 30,275 | 172 | 30,103 |
Indiana | 19,091 | 70 | 19,021 |
Iowa | 7,784 | 72 | 7,712 |
Kansas | 7,547 | 42 | 7,505 |
Kentucky | 21,724 | 81 | 21,643 |
Louisiana | 27,905 | 104 | 27,801 |
Maine | 3,194 | 16 | 3,178 |
Maryland | 16,318 | 52 | 16,266 |
Massachusetts | 17,815 | 156 | 17,659 |
Michigan | 31,571 | 124 | 31,447 |
Minnesota | 10,003 | 39 | 9,964 |
Mississippi | 16,266 | 65 | 16,201 |
Missouri | 18,203 | 85 | 18,118 |
Montana | 1,683 | 18 | 1,665 |
Nebraska | 3,826 | 20 | 3,806 |
Nevada | 8,112 | 74 | 8,038 |
New Hampshire | 1,571 | 11 | 1,560 |
New Jersey | 22,469 | 60 | 22,409 |
New Mexico | 6,582 | 62 | 6,520 |
New York | 68,541 | 214 | 68,327 |
North Carolina | 32,141 | 146 | 31,995 |
North Dakota | 1,044 | 6 | 1,038 |
Ohio | 40,551 | 212 | 40,339 |
Oklahoma | 13,759 | 109 | 13,650 |
Oregon | 8,197 | 42 | 8,155 |
Pennsylvania | 51,324 | 153 | 51,171 |
Rhode Island | 3,344 | 15 | 3,329 |
South Carolina | 15,127 | 118 | 15,009 |
South Dakota | 2,003 | 15 | 1,988 |
Tennessee | 21,842 | 118 | 21,724 |
Texas | 102,891 | 617 | 102,274 |
Utah | 3,873 | 24 | 3,849 |
Vermont | 1,145 | 9 | 1,136 |
Virginia | 19,815 | 85 | 19,730 |
Washington | 13,189 | 79 | 13,110 |
West Virginia | 5,995 | 23 | 5,972 |
Wisconsin | 17,786 | 56 | 17,730 |
Wyoming | 742 | 6 | 736 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | |||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | |||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.3). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.4 Supplemental Security Income - Number of New Federally Administered Awards by Age: December 2023
Table 12.4 Supplemental Security Income - Number of New Federally Administered Awards by Age: December 2023 | ||||
State | Total | Age Group | ||
Under 18 | 18-64 | 65 and older | ||
U.S. | 562,418 | 138,612 | 300,001 | 123,805 |
Alabama | 10,262 | 2,267 | 6,827 | 1,168 |
Alaska | 768 | 83 | 498 | 187 |
Arizona | 9,352 | 2,246 | 5,059 | 2,047 |
Arkansas | 9,051 | 3,436 | 4,970 | 645 |
California | 69,408 | 11,675 | 27,314 | 30,419 |
Colorado | 5,575 | 1,070 | 3,215 | 1,290 |
Connecticut | 5,781 | 1,424 | 3,352 | 1,005 |
Delaware | 1,399 | 431 | 781 | 187 |
District of Columbia | 1,707 | 514 | 886 | 307 |
Florida | 43,388 | 9,565 | 17,709 | 16,114 |
Georgia | 19,991 | 5,985 | 10,518 | 3,488 |
Hawaii | 1,666 | 154 | 952 | 560 |
Idaho | 2,121 | 526 | 1,377 | 218 |
Illinois | 17,727 | 4,559 | 9,139 | 4,029 |
Indiana | 10,750 | 2,621 | 7,128 | 1,001 |
Iowa | 4,537 | 1,341 | 2,827 | 369 |
Kansas | 4,209 | 1,078 | 2,741 | 390 |
Kentucky | 11,735 | 3,432 | 7,112 | 1,191 |
Louisiana | 10,751 | 3,291 | 5,990 | 1,470 |
Maine | 2,284 | 501 | 1,579 | 204 |
Maryland | 8,870 | 2,257 | 4,765 | 1,848 |
Massachusetts | 9,921 | 2,297 | 4,704 | 2,920 |
Michigan | 19,845 | 5,217 | 11,825 | 2,803 |
Minnesota | 8,220 | 1,654 | 4,877 | 1,689 |
Mississippi | 7,602 | 2,043 | 4,746 | 813 |
Missouri | 11,423 | 2,870 | 7,654 | 899 |
Montana | 1,246 | 212 | 822 | 212 |
Nebraska | 2,731 | 771 | 1,664 | 296 |
Nevada | 4,761 | 1,128 | 2,421 | 1,212 |
New Hampshire | 1,443 | 240 | 1,097 | 106 |
New Jersey | 13,725 | 3,829 | 6,173 | 3,723 |
New Mexico | 4,160 | 1,018 | 2,532 | 610 |
New York | 35,042 | 8,790 | 15,960 | 10,292 |
North Carolina | 18,861 | 5,149 | 11,384 | 2,328 |
North Dakota | 924 | 252 | 595 | 77 |
Ohio | 24,722 | 6,855 | 15,249 | 2,618 |
Oklahoma | 7,989 | 2,087 | 5,092 | 810 |
Oregon | 5,805 | 990 | 3,826 | 989 |
Pennsylvania | 24,859 | 7,967 | 13,376 | 3,516 |
Rhode Island | 2,216 | 625 | 1,254 | 337 |
South Carolina | 8,682 | 1,932 | 5,619 | 1,131 |
South Dakota | 1,283 | 305 | 766 | 212 |
Tennessee | 14,268 | 3,272 | 9,582 | 1,414 |
Texas | 43,558 | 12,287 | 20,608 | 10,663 |
Utah | 2,528 | 554 | 1,620 | 354 |
Vermont | 967 | 189 | 686 | 92 |
Virginia | 11,834 | 2,633 | 7,203 | 1,998 |
Washington | 9,804 | 1,681 | 5,845 | 2,278 |
West Virginia | 3,784 | 719 | 2,725 | 340 |
Wisconsin | 8,228 | 2,464 | 4,876 | 888 |
Wyoming | 655 | 126 | 481 | 48 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.4). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5a Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries: December 2023
Table 12.5a Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries: December 2023 | ||||
State | Total | Type of Beneficiary (Disabled) | ||
Workers | Widow(er)s | Disabled Adult Children | ||
U.S. | 8,538,030 | 7,224,442 | 197,303 | 1,116,285 |
Alabama | 221,561 | 190,348 | 7,242 | 23,971 |
Alaska | 12,300 | 10,271 | 224 | 1,805 |
Arizona | 152,360 | 131,180 | 2,982 | 18,198 |
Arkansas | 138,217 | 119,196 | 4,466 | 14,555 |
California | 625,317 | 514,660 | 11,115 | 99,542 |
Colorado | 92,513 | 79,912 | 1,699 | 10,902 |
Connecticut | 86,057 | 71,433 | 1,407 | 13,217 |
Delaware | 27,499 | 23,852 | 569 | 3,078 |
District of Columbia | 12,892 | 11,095 | 190 | 1,607 |
Florida | 550,864 | 478,403 | 12,035 | 60,426 |
Georgia | 284,680 | 243,954 | 8,021 | 32,705 |
Hawaii | 21,924 | 18,309 | 347 | 3,268 |
Idaho | 46,532 | 39,255 | 880 | 6,397 |
Illinois | 280,821 | 231,279 | 5,455 | 44,087 |
Indiana | 210,886 | 179,875 | 5,333 | 25,678 |
Iowa | 86,437 | 71,839 | 1,701 | 12,897 |
Kansas | 74,832 | 62,691 | 1,737 | 10,404 |
Kentucky | 199,526 | 169,747 | 7,301 | 22,478 |
Louisiana | 161,623 | 134,154 | 4,948 | 22,521 |
Maine | 57,218 | 48,170 | 1,175 | 7,873 |
Maryland | 125,692 | 106,981 | 2,244 | 16,467 |
Massachusetts | 190,364 | 159,741 | 2,834 | 27,789 |
Michigan | 347,202 | 290,191 | 8,114 | 48,897 |
Minnesota | 130,828 | 110,186 | 1,754 | 18,888 |
Mississippi | 126,720 | 106,401 | 4,007 | 16,312 |
Missouri | 216,416 | 184,298 | 5,854 | 26,264 |
Montana | 27,140 | 23,073 | 551 | 3,516 |
Nebraska | 45,172 | 37,494 | 762 | 6,916 |
Nevada | 63,239 | 55,891 | 1,308 | 6,040 |
New Hampshire | 47,309 | 40,808 | 841 | 5,660 |
New Jersey | 194,857 | 162,912 | 3,394 | 28,551 |
New Mexico | 62,387 | 54,280 | 1,148 | 6,959 |
New York | 506,323 | 421,997 | 8,570 | 75,756 |
North Carolina | 326,418 | 279,258 | 8,967 | 38,193 |
North Dakota | 16,115 | 13,383 | 244 | 2,488 |
Ohio | 363,174 | 305,732 | 9,437 | 48,005 |
Oklahoma | 132,777 | 114,577 | 3,915 | 14,285 |
Oregon | 106,504 | 89,855 | 2,263 | 14,386 |
Pennsylvania | 409,905 | 347,464 | 8,844 | 53,597 |
Rhode Island | 37,049 | 31,646 | 637 | 4,766 |
South Carolina | 176,715 | 151,280 | 5,507 | 19,928 |
South Dakota | 20,352 | 17,108 | 320 | 2,924 |
Tennessee | 244,082 | 208,918 | 8,111 | 27,053 |
Texas | 560,598 | 477,204 | 13,188 | 70,206 |
Utah | 50,255 | 41,709 | 912 | 7,634 |
Vermont | 22,730 | 19,165 | 350 | 3,215 |
Virginia | 213,071 | 181,500 | 5,254 | 26,317 |
Washington | 163,686 | 138,248 | 3,154 | 22,284 |
West Virginia | 86,540 | 72,580 | 3,044 | 10,916 |
Wisconsin | 166,404 | 138,863 | 2,701 | 24,840 |
Wyoming | 13,947 | 12,076 | 247 | 1,624 |
Puerto Rico | 153,932 | 129,953 | 2,966 | 21,013 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 9. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5a). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5b Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5b Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Type of Beneficiary (Disabled) | |||
Congenital Anomalies | Endocrine, Nutritional, And Metabolic Diseases | Infectious And Parasitic Diseases | Injuries | |
U.S. | 53,318 | 178,746 | 84,900 | 298,512 |
Alabama | 1,026 | 6,367 | 1,906 | 8,431 |
Alaska | 118 | 192 | 72 | 473 |
Arizona | 1,081 | 2,965 | 1,571 | 5,932 |
Arkansas | 648 | 4,269 | 924 | 5,075 |
California | 5,252 | 11,459 | 8,252 | 24,417 |
Colorado | 834 | 1,757 | 803 | 3,735 |
Connecticut | 441 | 1,506 | 757 | 2,248 |
Delaware | 161 | 446 | 316 | 924 |
District of Columbia | 37 | 276 | 431 | 415 |
Florida | 3,315 | 11,356 | 9,193 | 19,048 |
Georgia | 1,320 | 6,521 | 4,495 | 10,706 |
Hawaii | 157 | 387 | 290 | 759 |
Idaho | 365 | 893 | 242 | 1,651 |
Illinois | 2,155 | 6,003 | 2,655 | 8,783 |
Indiana | 1,052 | 5,351 | 1,647 | 6,716 |
Iowa | 705 | 2,075 | 402 | 2,765 |
Kansas | 580 | 1,617 | 461 | 2,599 |
Kentucky | 901 | 4,388 | 1,128 | 6,731 |
Louisiana | 804 | 3,388 | 1,921 | 6,239 |
Maine | 237 | 1,178 | 247 | 1,704 |
Maryland | 900 | 2,527 | 2,034 | 4,468 |
Massachusetts | 1,075 | 2,504 | 1,563 | 4,919 |
Michigan | 1,758 | 7,020 | 2,208 | 11,450 |
Minnesota | 1,126 | 1,617 | 706 | 4,458 |
Mississippi | 533 | 3,867 | 1,202 | 5,285 |
Missouri | 1,459 | 5,068 | 1,665 | 8,272 |
Montana | 214 | 432 | 141 | 1,066 |
Nebraska | 443 | 1,000 | 255 | 1,646 |
Nevada | 362 | 1,355 | 758 | 2,408 |
New Hampshire | 282 | 653 | 180 | 1,219 |
New Jersey | 1,127 | 3,406 | 1,878 | 6,645 |
New Mexico | 416 | 1,369 | 464 | 2,325 |
New York | 2,628 | 7,344 | 6,544 | 15,956 |
North Carolina | 1,789 | 8,358 | 3,609 | 11,874 |
North Dakota | 163 | 263 | 93 | 591 |
Ohio | 2,557 | 7,449 | 2,654 | 11,197 |
Oklahoma | 614 | 3,503 | 767 | 4,397 |
Oregon | 676 | 2,061 | 819 | 3,654 |
Pennsylvania | 2,663 | 7,324 | 3,302 | 14,941 |
Rhode Island | 173 | 403 | 227 | 908 |
South Carolina | 885 | 3,666 | 1,866 | 6,693 |
South Dakota | 173 | 376 | 106 | 716 |
Tennessee | 1,223 | 6,363 | 1,750 | 8,207 |
Texas | 3,615 | 14,484 | 7,175 | 22,041 |
Utah | 652 | 968 | 301 | 1,629 |
Vermont | 166 | 294 | 93 | 658 |
Virginia | 1,272 | 4,173 | 2,120 | 6,907 |
Washington | 1,091 | 3,063 | 1,244 | 5,333 |
West Virginia | 333 | 2,366 | 539 | 3,477 |
Wisconsin | 1,644 | 2,854 | 867 | 5,212 |
Wyoming | 108 | 216 | 57 | 597 |
Puerto Rico | 495 | 1,184 | 882 | 3,691 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5b). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5c Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5c Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Diseases of the – | |||
Blood And Bloodforming Organs | Circulatory System | Digestive System | Genitourinary System | |
U.S. | 23,275 | 573,795 | 121,371 | 156,390 |
Alabama | 755 | 16,846 | 2,932 | 3,544 |
Alaska | 19 | 691 | 174 | 187 |
Arizona | 354 | 8,808 | 2,377 | 3,368 |
Arkansas | 363 | 10,643 | 1,945 | 1,924 |
California | 1,398 | 37,222 | 8,310 | 16,537 |
Colorado | 162 | 4,550 | 1,690 | 1,510 |
Connecticut | 216 | 4,571 | 1,187 | 1,268 |
Delaware | 79 | 1,950 | 372 | 536 |
District of Columbia | 75 | 915 | 122 | 440 |
Florida | 1,984 | 40,778 | 8,771 | 10,629 |
Georgia | 1,267 | 24,632 | 4,016 | 7,279 |
Hawaii | 28 | 1,778 | 213 | 1,057 |
Idaho | 77 | 2,225 | 803 | 560 |
Illinois | 875 | 19,879 | 3,492 | 5,636 |
Indiana | 464 | 16,001 | 3,532 | 3,210 |
Iowa | 133 | 5,359 | 1,118 | 1,003 |
Kansas | 159 | 4,766 | 1,172 | 978 |
Kentucky | 355 | 13,337 | 2,992 | 2,273 |
Louisiana | 591 | 13,716 | 2,008 | 3,214 |
Maine | 97 | 2,807 | 908 | 408 |
Maryland | 570 | 8,913 | 1,706 | 3,220 |
Massachusetts | 369 | 8,187 | 2,451 | 1,971 |
Michigan | 900 | 22,272 | 5,225 | 5,036 |
Minnesota | 238 | 6,580 | 1,650 | 1,743 |
Mississippi | 510 | 11,773 | 1,456 | 2,909 |
Missouri | 554 | 14,285 | 3,296 | 3,056 |
Montana | 32 | 1,276 | 459 | 376 |
Nebraska | 82 | 2,797 | 658 | 742 |
Nevada | 179 | 4,441 | 989 | 1,558 |
New Hampshire | 50 | 1,831 | 597 | 344 |
New Jersey | 638 | 13,263 | 2,775 | 3,892 |
New Mexico | 107 | 2,776 | 960 | 1,157 |
New York | 1,464 | 29,660 | 5,414 | 7,919 |
North Carolina | 1,131 | 25,052 | 4,921 | 6,771 |
North Dakota | 21 | 901 | 233 | 265 |
Ohio | 888 | 25,391 | 5,284 | 5,206 |
Oklahoma | 229 | 9,587 | 1,793 | 1,953 |
Oregon | 196 | 5,221 | 1,811 | 1,370 |
Pennsylvania | 1,040 | 26,223 | 6,167 | 5,614 |
Rhode Island | 78 | 1,701 | 535 | 380 |
South Carolina | 713 | 13,904 | 2,414 | 3,785 |
South Dakota | 33 | 1,080 | 289 | 343 |
Tennessee | 596 | 18,676 | 3,734 | 4,171 |
Texas | 1,544 | 43,973 | 8,015 | 15,956 |
Utah | 67 | 2,203 | 789 | 844 |
Vermont | 23 | 729 | 283 | 150 |
Virginia | 708 | 16,020 | 3,003 | 4,461 |
Washington | 328 | 7,988 | 2,698 | 2,334 |
West Virginia | 139 | 6,170 | 1,284 | 858 |
Wisconsin | 360 | 8,719 | 2,148 | 2,284 |
Wyoming | 22 | 729 | 186 | 161 |
Puerto Rico | 121 | 5,716 | 652 | 1,439 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5c). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5d Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5d Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Diseases of the – | |||
Musculoskeletal System | Nervous System | Respiratory System | Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue | |
U.S. | 2,555,471 | 881,153 | 208,281 | 20,022 |
Alabama | 79,354 | 21,335 | 5,435 | 627 |
Alaska | 3,085 | 1,303 | 204 | 26 |
Arizona | 43,648 | 18,338 | 3,157 | 348 |
Arkansas | 46,681 | 13,005 | 3,883 | 411 |
California | 175,605 | 67,413 | 7,756 | 1,259 |
Colorado | 25,093 | 12,933 | 2,403 | 179 |
Connecticut | 21,297 | 8,695 | 1,578 | 183 |
Delaware | 9,333 | 2,964 | 714 | 53 |
District of Columbia | 2,727 | 1,239 | 226 | 31 |
Florida | 176,817 | 58,058 | 13,274 | 1,529 |
Georgia | 91,589 | 28,805 | 7,549 | 753 |
Hawaii | 4,570 | 2,159 | 256 | 49 |
Idaho | 12,937 | 5,390 | 1,159 | 120 |
Illinois | 73,884 | 31,713 | 7,571 | 615 |
Indiana | 63,080 | 23,489 | 7,899 | 494 |
Iowa | 23,121 | 8,961 | 2,674 | 141 |
Kansas | 20,091 | 8,080 | 2,088 | 175 |
Kentucky | 71,714 | 17,491 | 6,887 | 509 |
Louisiana | 53,216 | 14,982 | 3,687 | 438 |
Maine | 14,515 | 5,194 | 1,311 | 156 |
Maryland | 33,135 | 13,603 | 2,929 | 296 |
Massachusetts | 42,011 | 16,890 | 3,023 | 291 |
Michigan | 108,490 | 34,887 | 9,167 | 857 |
Minnesota | 30,244 | 14,448 | 2,421 | 250 |
Mississippi | 37,790 | 12,208 | 3,424 | 347 |
Missouri | 66,114 | 22,396 | 6,934 | 539 |
Montana | 7,760 | 3,202 | 806 | 58 |
Nebraska | 10,862 | 5,256 | 1,240 | 104 |
Nevada | 20,272 | 7,173 | 1,607 | 215 |
New Hampshire | 9,809 | 4,088 | 898 | 64 |
New Jersey | 57,331 | 20,494 | 3,919 | 387 |
New Mexico | 19,160 | 6,225 | 1,294 | 136 |
New York | 178,907 | 46,952 | 10,190 | 865 |
North Carolina | 102,797 | 33,041 | 8,999 | 941 |
North Dakota | 4,035 | 1,798 | 375 | 34 |
Ohio | 102,792 | 35,008 | 12,483 | 856 |
Oklahoma | 43,917 | 12,267 | 4,005 | 319 |
Oregon | 30,580 | 12,001 | 1,938 | 270 |
Pennsylvania | 128,871 | 40,924 | 10,510 | 881 |
Rhode Island | 9,312 | 3,478 | 745 | 87 |
South Carolina | 61,102 | 18,045 | 4,867 | 445 |
South Dakota | 5,146 | 2,594 | 537 | 55 |
Tennessee | 81,151 | 23,649 | 7,351 | 612 |
Texas | 151,826 | 62,775 | 10,857 | 1,298 |
Utah | 12,045 | 6,440 | 1,158 | 93 |
Vermont | 5,301 | 2,092 | 532 | 36 |
Virginia | 61,208 | 21,696 | 5,746 | 583 |
Washington | 43,374 | 17,631 | 2,848 | 440 |
West Virginia | 29,240 | 7,586 | 3,624 | 226 |
Wisconsin | 44,751 | 19,008 | 3,507 | 315 |
Wyoming | 3,711 | 1,751 | 618 | 20 |
Puerto Rico | 51,490 | 11,406 | 1,521 | 252 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5d). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5e Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5e Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Diseases of the – | |||
Mental Disorders | Neoplasms | Other | Unknown | |
U.S. | 2,935,199 | 276,877 | 13,319 | 157,601 |
Alabama | 63,253 | 5,385 | 529 | 3,836 |
Alaska | 5,117 | 387 | 36 | 216 |
Arizona | 52,246 | 5,099 | 300 | 2,768 |
Arkansas | 42,188 | 3,732 | 196 | 2,330 |
California | 226,457 | 22,140 | 844 | 10,996 |
Colorado | 31,993 | 3,089 | 129 | 1,653 |
Connecticut | 37,309 | 3,029 | 89 | 1,683 |
Delaware | 8,260 | 914 | 38 | 439 |
District of Columbia | 5,316 | 341 | 27 | 274 |
Florida | 163,884 | 21,749 | 735 | 9,744 |
Georgia | 80,733 | 9,596 | 537 | 4,882 |
Hawaii | 8,899 | 854 | 46 | 422 |
Idaho | 17,838 | 1,422 | 59 | 791 |
Illinois | 102,553 | 9,738 | 605 | 4,664 |
Indiana | 66,509 | 7,026 | 361 | 4,055 |
Iowa | 33,474 | 2,755 | 91 | 1,660 |
Kansas | 28,261 | 2,448 | 103 | 1,254 |
Kentucky | 61,823 | 5,278 | 462 | 3,257 |
Louisiana | 49,311 | 4,398 | 292 | 3,418 |
Maine | 25,746 | 1,703 | 72 | 935 |
Maryland | 44,238 | 4,345 | 148 | 2,660 |
Massachusetts | 95,342 | 5,480 | 371 | 3,917 |
Michigan | 120,118 | 10,623 | 483 | 6,708 |
Minnesota | 58,683 | 4,436 | 201 | 2,027 |
Mississippi | 38,604 | 3,961 | 219 | 2,632 |
Missouri | 72,651 | 6,538 | 274 | 3,315 |
Montana | 9,956 | 822 | 43 | 497 |
Nebraska | 17,743 | 1,431 | 84 | 829 |
Nevada | 18,624 | 2,214 | 125 | 959 |
New Hampshire | 25,243 | 1,271 | 65 | 715 |
New Jersey | 67,913 | 7,372 | 289 | 3,528 |
New Mexico | 23,137 | 1,580 | 134 | 1,147 |
New York | 164,620 | 17,228 | 559 | 10,073 |
North Carolina | 99,914 | 11,153 | 567 | 5,501 |
North Dakota | 6,568 | 464 | 19 | 292 |
Ohio | 132,087 | 11,394 | 525 | 7,403 |
Oklahoma | 44,022 | 3,357 | 165 | 1,882 |
Oregon | 40,433 | 3,218 | 135 | 2,121 |
Pennsylvania | 139,927 | 13,236 | 514 | 7,768 |
Rhode Island | 17,414 | 1,043 | 28 | 537 |
South Carolina | 49,552 | 5,370 | 330 | 3,078 |
South Dakota | 7,885 | 657 | 34 | 328 |
Tennessee | 72,575 | 7,473 | 391 | 6,160 |
Texas | 187,827 | 18,449 | 974 | 9,789 |
Utah | 20,442 | 1,468 | 70 | 1,086 |
Vermont | 11,304 | 571 | 41 | 457 |
Virginia | 74,117 | 6,980 | 289 | 3,788 |
Washington | 66,721 | 5,119 | 244 | 3,230 |
West Virginia | 25,688 | 2,607 | 144 | 2,259 |
Wisconsin | 65,535 | 5,538 | 263 | 3,399 |
Wyoming | 5,146 | 370 | 32 | 223 |
Puerto Rico | 69,787 | 2,276 | 315 | 2,705 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5e). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5f Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5f Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Type of Beneficiary (Mental Disorders) | |||
Autism Spectrum Disorders | Developmental Disorders | Childhood And Adolescent Disorders | Intellectual Disabilities | |
U.S. | 127,241 | 17,648 | 3,474 | 778,526 |
Alabama | 1,780 | 186 | 55 | 18,844 |
Alaska | 276 | 31 | 13 | 1,190 |
Arizona | 2,085 | 297 | 47 | 11,488 |
Arkansas | 1,157 | 132 | 41 | 12,586 |
California | 11,333 | 1,528 | 170 | 53,766 |
Colorado | 1,197 | 178 | 44 | 7,421 |
Connecticut | 2,103 | 260 | 29 | 9,100 |
Delaware | 440 | 62 | 11 | 2,515 |
District of Columbia | * | * | 4 | 1,423 |
Florida | 7,094 | 644 | 137 | 37,845 |
Georgia | 2,898 | 283 | 66 | 23,972 |
Hawaii | 364 | 21 | 12 | 1,850 |
Idaho | 1,033 | 99 | 34 | 4,335 |
Illinois | 4,392 | 972 | 82 | 31,695 |
Indiana | 2,699 | 318 | 74 | 20,866 |
Iowa | 1,302 | 150 | 55 | 11,692 |
Kansas | 1,408 | 100 | 53 | 8,218 |
Kentucky | 1,690 | 260 | 76 | 16,922 |
Louisiana | 1,537 | 264 | 53 | 18,388 |
Maine | 1,412 | 113 | 22 | 4,894 |
Maryland | 2,298 | 474 | 60 | 11,916 |
Massachusetts | 4,499 | 862 | 48 | 15,451 |
Michigan | 5,164 | 852 | 158 | 31,631 |
Minnesota | 3,164 | 257 | 127 | 14,603 |
Mississippi | 981 | 226 | 36 | 11,863 |
Missouri | 3,262 | 284 | 128 | 20,566 |
Montana | 397 | 51 | 17 | 2,586 |
Nebraska | 740 | 60 | 25 | 5,469 |
Nevada | 704 | 130 | 16 | 3,866 |
New Hampshire | 1,191 | 147 | 18 | 3,226 |
New Jersey | 4,802 | 778 | 69 | 17,030 |
New Mexico | 601 | 186 | 39 | 4,860 |
New York | 8,701 | 1,860 | 240 | 46,674 |
North Carolina | 4,083 | 532 | 117 | 30,605 |
North Dakota | 319 | 41 | 12 | 2,077 |
Ohio | 5,377 | 454 | 148 | 36,467 |
Oklahoma | 1,157 | 215 | 54 | 13,156 |
Oregon | 2,600 | 195 | 56 | 8,957 |
Pennsylvania | 5,952 | 979 | 181 | 40,599 |
Rhode Island | 744 | 99 | 17 | 3,260 |
South Carolina | 1,351 | 253 | 47 | 15,294 |
South Dakota | 331 | 73 | 12 | 2,425 |
Tennessee | 2,137 | 276 | 80 | 20,232 |
Texas | 7,160 | 986 | 240 | 46,741 |
Utah | 1,232 | 122 | 32 | 5,823 |
Vermont | 621 | 83 | 20 | 1,955 |
Virginia | 3,350 | 306 | 118 | 20,359 |
Washington | 3,312 | 435 | 104 | 13,541 |
West Virginia | 762 | 101 | 23 | 9,067 |
Wisconsin | 3,663 | 311 | 142 | 17,772 |
Wyoming | 227 | 24 | 12 | 1,398 |
Puerto Rico | 711 | 217 | 24 | 12,148 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10A. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5f). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.5g Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023
Table 12.5g Social Security Disability Insurance - Number of Beneficiaries by Disability Type: December 2023 | ||||
State | Type of Beneficiary (Mental Disorders) | |||
Depressive, Bipolar, And Related Disorders | Neurocognitive Disorders | Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders | Other Mental Disorders | |
U.S. | 956,983 | 256,170 | 403,499 | 391,778 |
Alabama | 20,707 | 5,099 | 7,864 | 8,718 |
Alaska | 1,070 | 636 | 983 | 918 |
Arizona | 17,940 | 6,365 | 7,404 | 6,620 |
Arkansas | 14,333 | 3,327 | 4,869 | 5,743 |
California | 72,922 | 19,624 | 45,205 | 21,909 |
Colorado | 9,877 | 3,655 | 4,666 | 4,955 |
Connecticut | 12,489 | 3,423 | 5,480 | 4,425 |
Delaware | 2,590 | 745 | 1,079 | 818 |
District of Columbia | 1,692 | 533 | 1,152 | 303 |
Florida | 58,287 | 16,095 | 25,099 | 18,683 |
Georgia | 24,228 | 7,994 | 11,815 | 9,477 |
Hawaii | 2,453 | 1,180 | 1,899 | 1,120 |
Idaho | 5,093 | 1,706 | 2,130 | 3,408 |
Illinois | 33,557 | 7,333 | 14,385 | 10,137 |
Indiana | 19,768 | 5,917 | 7,916 | 8,951 |
Iowa | 8,454 | 2,944 | 4,057 | 4,820 |
Kansas | 8,149 | 2,641 | 3,525 | 4,167 |
Kentucky | 21,487 | 6,827 | 5,116 | 9,445 |
Louisiana | 13,953 | 3,315 | 6,686 | 5,115 |
Maine | 8,566 | 2,033 | 2,277 | 6,429 |
Maryland | 13,714 | 5,146 | 6,630 | 4,000 |
Massachusetts | 37,719 | 7,455 | 11,483 | 17,825 |
Michigan | 41,430 | 10,990 | 16,060 | 13,833 |
Minnesota | 18,405 | 6,296 | 7,778 | 8,053 |
Mississippi | 13,176 | 3,096 | 5,102 | 4,124 |
Missouri | 22,487 | 5,644 | 9,781 | 10,499 |
Montana | 2,436 | 1,275 | 1,305 | 1,889 |
Nebraska | 5,148 | 1,396 | 2,486 | 2,419 |
Nevada | 6,326 | 1,704 | 3,186 | 2,692 |
New Hampshire | 9,524 | 1,992 | 2,025 | 7,120 |
New Jersey | 22,289 | 5,251 | 11,142 | 6,552 |
New Mexico | 7,589 | 2,703 | 2,701 | 4,458 |
New York | 51,369 | 8,856 | 26,621 | 20,299 |
North Carolina | 29,879 | 9,060 | 13,466 | 12,172 |
North Dakota | 1,363 | 836 | 918 | 1,002 |
Ohio | 45,581 | 8,950 | 16,795 | 18,315 |
Oklahoma | 14,034 | 4,353 | 4,951 | 6,102 |
Oregon | 11,347 | 3,798 | 5,503 | 7,977 |
Pennsylvania | 49,259 | 9,721 | 17,602 | 15,634 |
Rhode Island | 6,844 | 1,166 | 1,874 | 3,410 |
South Carolina | 14,244 | 5,000 | 6,618 | 6,745 |
South Dakota | 1,862 | 1,022 | 942 | 1,218 |
Tennessee | 25,786 | 6,418 | 8,069 | 9,577 |
Texas | 68,201 | 17,046 | 23,082 | 24,371 |
Utah | 4,768 | 2,418 | 2,856 | 3,191 |
Vermont | 3,607 | 1,036 | 1,046 | 2,936 |
Virginia | 23,417 | 6,344 | 10,413 | 9,810 |
Washington | 19,845 | 7,212 | 9,070 | 13,202 |
West Virginia | 7,799 | 2,202 | 1,789 | 3,945 |
Wisconsin | 18,671 | 5,667 | 7,971 | 11,338 |
Wyoming | 1,236 | 713 | 627 | 909 |
Puerto Rico | 47,995 | 1,177 | 4,696 | 2,819 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Disability Insurance Program, 2023 Table 10A. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.5g). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.6 Supplemental Security Disability Insurance - Total Annual Benefits: December 2023
Table 12.6 Supplemental Security Disability Insurance - Total Annual Benefits: December 2023 | ||||
State | Total $ | Type of Beneficiary (Disabled) $ | ||
Workers | Widow(er)s | Adult children | ||
U.S. | 12,475,906 | 11,129,841 | 182,909 | 1,163,158 |
Alabama | 316,913 | 286,948 | 6,390 | 23,575 |
Alaska | 17,680 | 15,645 | 224 | 1,811 |
Arizona | 231,777 | 209,504 | 2,914 | 19,360 |
Arkansas | 192,743 | 175,191 | 3,693 | 13,860 |
California | 929,523 | 812,863 | 11,387 | 105,273 |
Colorado | 137,143 | 123,862 | 1,663 | 11,618 |
Connecticut | 130,946 | 114,894 | 1,410 | 14,642 |
Delaware | 43,651 | 39,663 | 542 | 3,446 |
District of Columbia | 16,960 | 15,292 | 172 | 1,496 |
Florida | 828,749 | 755,328 | 11,144 | 62,277 |
Georgia | 415,373 | 375,359 | 7,126 | 32,889 |
Hawaii | 32,977 | 29,035 | 351 | 3,590 |
Idaho | 66,692 | 59,357 | 847 | 6,488 |
Illinois | 410,975 | 357,593 | 5,200 | 48,183 |
Indiana | 307,920 | 275,254 | 4,979 | 27,686 |
Iowa | 119,621 | 105,152 | 1,516 | 12,954 |
Kansas | 105,561 | 93,353 | 1,495 | 10,714 |
Kentucky | 283,145 | 254,686 | 6,697 | 21,762 |
Louisiana | 224,416 | 197,434 | 4,989 | 21,993 |
Maine | 78,378 | 69,882 | 1,025 | 7,471 |
Maryland | 191,475 | 171,111 | 2,192 | 18,173 |
Massachusetts | 278,796 | 247,416 | 2,668 | 28,712 |
Michigan | 516,345 | 453,771 | 8,028 | 54,545 |
Minnesota | 189,580 | 168,556 | 1,543 | 19,480 |
Mississippi | 174,292 | 155,926 | 3,398 | 14,968 |
Missouri | 306,340 | 275,240 | 4,969 | 26,131 |
Montana | 37,848 | 33,765 | 548 | 3,535 |
Nebraska | 61,819 | 54,080 | 649 | 7,089 |
Nevada | 98,627 | 90,730 | 1,370 | 6,527 |
New Hampshire | 71,399 | 64,738 | 755 | 5,906 |
New Jersey | 315,282 | 278,792 | 3,478 | 33,013 |
New Mexico | 86,476 | 78,700 | 1,059 | 6,717 |
New York | 766,069 | 675,074 | 8,064 | 82,931 |
North Carolina | 475,708 | 430,019 | 7,461 | 38,228 |
North Dakota | 21,920 | 19,277 | 227 | 2,416 |
Ohio | 509,478 | 450,884 | 8,897 | 49,697 |
Oklahoma | 186,732 | 168,980 | 3,508 | 14,243 |
Oregon | 153,203 | 135,699 | 2,194 | 15,311 |
Pennsylvania | 603,241 | 538,145 | 8,205 | 56,890 |
Rhode Island | 53,392 | 48,109 | 576 | 4,706 |
South Carolina | 262,338 | 237,164 | 4,789 | 20,385 |
South Dakota | 27,746 | 24,708 | 272 | 2,765 |
Tennessee | 347,930 | 313,738 | 6,860 | 27,332 |
Texas | 807,128 | 723,217 | 12,644 | 71,267 |
Utah | 72,774 | 63,638 | 906 | 8,230 |
Vermont | 31,232 | 27,779 | 312 | 3,140 |
Virginia | 313,515 | 281,485 | 4,702 | 27,328 |
Washington | 241,548 | 214,153 | 3,215 | 24,180 |
West Virginia | 123,951 | 109,999 | 2,995 | 10,957 |
Wisconsin | 238,093 | 210,111 | 2,402 | 25,580 |
Wyoming | 20,487 | 18,546 | 257 | 1,683 |
Puerto Rico | 193,624 | 175,550 | 2,464 | 15,610 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | ||||
$ in thousands. Data exclude lump-sum death payments. | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.6). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.7a Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Total and Age Eligible: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.7a Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Total and Age Eligible: 2022 to 2023 | ||||||
State | Total | Age Eligible | ||||
2022 | 2023 | % Change | 2022 | 2023 | % Change | |
U.S. | 7,541,206 | 7,424,302 | −1.6 | 1,137,932 | 1,160,608 | 2.0 |
Alabama | 146,542 | 142,655 | −2.7 | 7,338 | 7,556 | 3.0 |
Alaska | 11,373 | 10,758 | −5.4 | 1,625 | 1,570 | −3.4 |
Arizona | 112,371 | 111,780 | −0.5 | 17,809 | 18,185 | 2.1 |
Arkansas | 96,423 | 95,811 | −0.6 | 4,411 | 4,503 | 2.1 |
California | 1,133,190 | 1,114,946 | −1.6 | 339,560 | 341,913 | 0.7 |
Colorado | 68,021 | 66,772 | −1.8 | 11,017 | 11,171 | 1.4 |
Connecticut | 65,416 | 65,337 | −0.1 | 7,577 | 7,889 | 4.1 |
Delaware | 16,114 | 16,015 | −0.6 | 1,371 | 1,446 | 5.5 |
District of Columbia | 23,525 | 22,939 | −2.5 | 2,370 | 2,447 | 3.2 |
Florida | 547,570 | 539,255 | −1.5 | 147,156 | 151,875 | 3.2 |
Georgia | 249,088 | 245,978 | −1.2 | 26,795 | 27,618 | 3.1 |
Hawaii | 21,456 | 21,009 | −2.1 | 5,270 | 5,170 | −1.9 |
Idaho | 28,457 | 27,763 | −2.4 | 1,681 | 1,696 | 0.9 |
Illinois | 245,117 | 240,653 | −1.8 | 29,792 | 30,814 | 3.4 |
Indiana | 121,768 | 119,965 | −1.5 | 6,252 | 6,603 | 5.6 |
Iowa | 49,411 | 48,890 | −1.1 | 2,980 | 2,989 | 0.3 |
Kansas | 45,594 | 44,685 | −2.0 | 2,855 | 2,897 | 1.5 |
Kentucky | 156,464 | 153,857 | −1.7 | 8,402 | 8,647 | 2.9 |
Louisiana | 160,538 | 157,219 | −2.1 | 10,141 | 10,390 | 2.5 |
Maine | 34,095 | 33,050 | −3.1 | 1,743 | 1,719 | −1.4 |
Maryland | 115,215 | 113,353 | −1.6 | 15,435 | 15,788 | 2.3 |
Massachusetts | 168,056 | 164,783 | −1.9 | 24,841 | 25,757 | 3.7 |
Michigan | 250,912 | 248,307 | −1.0 | 19,660 | 20,541 | 4.5 |
Minnesota | 88,024 | 88,376 | 0.4 | 11,110 | 11,761 | 5.9 |
Mississippi | 107,725 | 105,340 | −2.2 | 6,910 | 6,951 | 0.6 |
Missouri | 128,841 | 126,973 | −1.4 | 6,903 | 6,960 | 0.8 |
Montana | 16,372 | 15,923 | −2.7 | 1,501 | 1,574 | 4.9 |
Nebraska | 28,326 | 27,855 | −1.7 | 2,434 | 2,457 | 0.9 |
Nevada | 53,564 | 52,976 | −1.1 | 15,185 | 15,795 | 4.0 |
New Hampshire | 16,527 | 15,852 | −4.1 | 853 | 866 | 1.5 |
New Jersey | 165,162 | 163,661 | −0.9 | 34,351 | 34,970 | 1.8 |
New Mexico | 56,273 | 55,293 | −1.7 | 7,339 | 7,223 | −1.6 |
New York | 573,058 | 562,755 | −1.8 | 110,797 | 112,111 | 1.2 |
North Carolina | 216,756 | 214,549 | −1.0 | 16,909 | 17,365 | 2.7 |
North Dakota | 7,872 | 7,864 | −0.1 | 608 | 605 | −0.5 |
Ohio | 291,632 | 288,748 | −1.0 | 17,591 | 18,448 | 4.9 |
Oklahoma | 92,408 | 92,237 | −0.2 | 5,881 | 6,027 | 2.5 |
Oregon | 83,635 | 81,715 | −2.3 | 9,421 | 9,509 | 0.9 |
Pennsylvania | 328,665 | 324,958 | −1.1 | 25,615 | 26,819 | 4.7 |
Rhode Island | 30,592 | 30,283 | −1.0 | 3,243 | 3,286 | 1.3 |
South Carolina | 106,983 | 104,801 | −2.0 | 7,880 | 8,148 | 3.4 |
South Dakota | 13,933 | 13,799 | −1.0 | 1,528 | 1,590 | 4.1 |
Tennessee | 162,800 | 160,167 | −1.6 | 10,434 | 10,499 | 0.6 |
Texas | 594,018 | 582,001 | −2.0 | 97,352 | 98,977 | 1.7 |
Utah | 30,482 | 29,948 | −1.8 | 2,771 | 2,838 | 2.4 |
Vermont | 14,133 | 13,709 | −3.0 | 874 | 849 | −2.9 |
Virginia | 148,318 | 146,622 | −1.1 | 17,457 | 17,906 | 2.6 |
Washington | 137,815 | 134,979 | −2.1 | 17,600 | 18,359 | 4.3 |
West Virginia | 64,747 | 63,130 | −2.5 | 2,294 | 2,340 | 2.0 |
Wisconsin | 109,123 | 107,428 | −1.6 | 6,638 | 6,827 | 2.8 |
Wyoming | 6,706 | 6,580 | −1.9 | 372 | 364 | −2.2 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2022 and 2023. Data for this table can be found at and | ||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.7a). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.7b Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Blind and Disabled: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.7b Supplemental Security Income - Change in the Number of Recipients of Federally Administered Payments by Blind and Disabled: 2022 to 2023 | ||||||
State | Blind | Disabled | ||||
2022 | 2023 | % Change | 2022 | 2023 | % Change | |
U.S. | 64,383 | 63,877 | −0.8 | 6,338,891 | 6,199,817 | −2.2 |
Alabama | 948 | 979 | 3.3 | 138,256 | 134,120 | −3.0 |
Alaska | 69 | 69 | 0.0 | 9,679 | 9,119 | −5.8 |
Arizona | 1,103 | 1,106 | 0.3 | 93,459 | 92,489 | −1.0 |
Arkansas | 669 | 687 | 2.7 | 91,343 | 90,621 | −0.8 |
California | 14,662 | 14,164 | −3.4 | 778,968 | 758,869 | −2.6 |
Colorado | 551 | 537 | −2.5 | 56,453 | 55,064 | −2.5 |
Connecticut | 429 | 434 | 1.2 | 57,410 | 57,014 | −0.7 |
Delaware | 109 | 122 | 11.9 | 14,634 | 14,447 | −1.3 |
District of Columbia | 144 | 145 | 0.7 | 21,011 | 20,347 | −3.2 |
Florida | 3,562 | 3,569 | 0.2 | 396,852 | 383,811 | −3.3 |
Georgia | 2,210 | 2,189 | −1.0 | 220,083 | 216,171 | −1.8 |
Hawaii | 187 | 184 | −1.6 | 15,999 | 15,655 | −2.2 |
Idaho | 243 | 234 | −3.7 | 26,533 | 25,833 | −2.6 |
Illinois | 2,250 | 2,231 | −0.8 | 213,075 | 207,608 | −2.6 |
Indiana | 924 | 945 | 2.3 | 114,592 | 112,417 | −1.9 |
Iowa | 595 | 594 | −0.2 | 45,836 | 45,307 | −1.2 |
Kansas | 371 | 369 | −0.5 | 42,368 | 41,419 | −2.2 |
Kentucky | 1,020 | 1,000 | −2.0 | 147,042 | 144,210 | −1.9 |
Louisiana | 1,308 | 1,326 | 1.4 | 149,089 | 145,503 | −2.4 |
Maine | 202 | 193 | −4.5 | 32,150 | 31,138 | −3.1 |
Maryland | 773 | 780 | 0.9 | 99,007 | 96,785 | −2.2 |
Massachusetts | 1,906 | 1,883 | −1.2 | 141,309 | 137,143 | −2.9 |
Michigan | 1,674 | 1,697 | 1.4 | 229,578 | 226,069 | −1.5 |
Minnesota | 719 | 727 | 1.1 | 76,195 | 75,888 | −0.4 |
Mississippi | 931 | 930 | −0.1 | 99,884 | 97,459 | −2.4 |
Missouri | 993 | 971 | −2.2 | 120,945 | 119,042 | −1.6 |
Montana | 136 | 136 | 0.0 | 14,735 | 14,213 | −3.5 |
Nebraska | 247 | 251 | 1.6 | 25,645 | 25,147 | −1.9 |
Nevada | 667 | 695 | 4.2 | 37,712 | 36,486 | −3.3 |
New Hampshire | 121 | 116 | −4.1 | 15,553 | 14,870 | −4.4 |
New Jersey | 851 | 884 | 3.9 | 129,960 | 127,807 | −1.7 |
New Mexico | 461 | 477 | 3.5 | 48,473 | 47,593 | −1.8 |
New York | 2,924 | 2,924 | 0.0 | 459,337 | 447,720 | −2.5 |
North Carolina | 1,840 | 1,843 | 0.2 | 198,007 | 195,341 | −1.3 |
North Dakota | 65 | 70 | 7.7 | 7,199 | 7,189 | −0.1 |
Ohio | 2,029 | 2,013 | −0.8 | 272,012 | 268,287 | −1.4 |
Oklahoma | 758 | 770 | 1.6 | 85,769 | 85,440 | −0.4 |
Oregon | 565 | 559 | −1.1 | 73,649 | 71,647 | −2.7 |
Pennsylvania | 2,105 | 2,117 | 0.6 | 300,945 | 296,022 | −1.6 |
Rhode Island | 161 | 158 | −1.9 | 27,188 | 26,839 | −1.3 |
South Carolina | 1,202 | 1,181 | −1.7 | 97,901 | 95,472 | −2.5 |
South Dakota | 135 | 137 | 1.5 | 12,270 | 12,072 | −1.6 |
Tennessee | 1,509 | 1,483 | −1.7 | 150,857 | 148,185 | −1.8 |
Texas | 6,445 | 6,411 | −0.5 | 490,221 | 476,613 | −2.8 |
Utah | 287 | 282 | −1.7 | 27,424 | 26,828 | −2.2 |
Vermont | 76 | 80 | 5.3 | 13,183 | 12,780 | −3.1 |
Virginia | 1,094 | 1,076 | −1.6 | 129,767 | 127,640 | −1.6 |
Washington | 859 | 864 | 0.6 | 119,356 | 115,756 | −3.0 |
West Virginia | 416 | 414 | −0.5 | 62,037 | 60,376 | −2.7 |
Wisconsin | 821 | 811 | −1.2 | 101,664 | 99,790 | −1.8 |
Wyoming | 57 | 60 | 5.3 | 6,277 | 6,156 | −1.9 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2022 and 2023. Data for this table can be found at and | ||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.7b). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.8a Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by All Disabled Beneficiaries and Disabled Workers: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.8a Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by All Disabled Beneficiaries and Disabled Workers: 2022 to 2023 | ||||||
State | All Disabled Beneficiaries | Disabled Workers | ||||
2022 | 2023 | % Change | 2022 | 2023 | % Change | |
U.S. | 8,780,293 | 8,538,393 | −2.8 | 7,459,057 | 7,224,727 | −3.1 |
Alabama | 229,079 | 221,561 | −3.3 | 197,520 | 190,348 | −3.6 |
Alaska | 12,626 | 12,300 | −2.6 | 10,603 | 10,271 | −3.1 |
Arizona | 156,125 | 152,360 | −2.4 | 135,085 | 131,180 | −2.9 |
Arkansas | 140,997 | 138,217 | −2.0 | 122,160 | 119,196 | −2.4 |
California | 650,697 | 625,317 | −3.9 | 539,044 | 514,660 | −4.5 |
Colorado | 95,726 | 92,513 | −3.4 | 83,080 | 79,912 | −3.8 |
Connecticut | 87,541 | 86,057 | −1.7 | 72,936 | 71,433 | −2.1 |
Delaware | 28,220 | 27,499 | −2.6 | 24,568 | 23,852 | −2.9 |
District of Columbia | 13,387 | 12,892 | −3.7 | 11,547 | 11,095 | −3.9 |
Florida | 571,725 | 550,864 | −3.6 | 498,785 | 478,403 | −4.1 |
Georgia | 294,973 | 284,680 | −3.5 | 253,596 | 243,954 | −3.8 |
Hawaii | 22,587 | 21,924 | −2.9 | 18,954 | 18,309 | −3.4 |
Idaho | 47,746 | 46,532 | −2.5 | 40,481 | 39,255 | −3.0 |
Illinois | 290,987 | 280,821 | −3.5 | 240,755 | 231,279 | −3.9 |
Indiana | 216,469 | 210,886 | −2.6 | 185,000 | 179,875 | −2.8 |
Iowa | 87,519 | 86,437 | −1.2 | 73,109 | 71,839 | −1.7 |
Kansas | 76,555 | 74,832 | −2.3 | 64,502 | 62,691 | −2.8 |
Kentucky | 204,555 | 199,526 | −2.5 | 174,569 | 169,747 | −2.8 |
Louisiana | 167,226 | 161,623 | −3.4 | 139,242 | 134,154 | −3.7 |
Maine | 58,391 | 57,218 | −2.0 | 49,412 | 48,170 | −2.5 |
Maryland | 130,534 | 125,692 | −3.7 | 111,702 | 106,981 | −4.2 |
Massachusetts | 197,049 | 190,364 | −3.4 | 166,264 | 159,741 | −3.9 |
Michigan | 354,378 | 347,202 | −2.0 | 297,020 | 290,191 | −2.3 |
Minnesota | 132,040 | 130,828 | −0.9 | 111,495 | 110,186 | −1.2 |
Mississippi | 131,283 | 126,720 | −3.5 | 110,558 | 106,401 | −3.8 |
Missouri | 221,483 | 216,416 | −2.3 | 189,232 | 184,298 | −2.6 |
Montana | 28,022 | 27,140 | −3.1 | 23,922 | 23,073 | −3.5 |
Nebraska | 45,802 | 45,172 | −1.4 | 38,098 | 37,494 | −1.6 |
Nevada | 64,735 | 63,239 | −2.3 | 57,412 | 55,891 | −2.6 |
New Hampshire | 48,235 | 47,309 | −1.9 | 41,813 | 40,808 | −2.4 |
New Jersey | 199,970 | 194,857 | −2.6 | 167,868 | 162,912 | −3.0 |
New Mexico | 63,999 | 62,387 | −2.5 | 55,907 | 54,280 | −2.9 |
New York | 518,882 | 506,323 | −2.4 | 433,997 | 421,997 | −2.8 |
North Carolina | 333,532 | 326,418 | −2.1 | 286,368 | 279,258 | −2.5 |
North Dakota | 16,253 | 16,115 | −0.8 | 13,517 | 13,383 | −1.0 |
Ohio | 370,591 | 363,174 | −2.0 | 313,017 | 305,732 | −2.3 |
Oklahoma | 134,829 | 132,777 | −1.5 | 116,636 | 114,577 | −1.8 |
Oregon | 110,097 | 106,504 | −3.3 | 93,286 | 89,855 | −3.7 |
Pennsylvania | 419,803 | 409,905 | −2.4 | 356,858 | 347,464 | −2.6 |
Rhode Island | 37,898 | 37,049 | −2.2 | 32,460 | 31,646 | −2.5 |
South Carolina | 181,341 | 176,715 | −2.6 | 155,753 | 151,280 | −2.9 |
South Dakota | 20,799 | 20,352 | −2.1 | 17,547 | 17,108 | −2.5 |
Tennessee | 249,583 | 244,082 | −2.2 | 214,317 | 208,918 | −2.5 |
Texas | 579,408 | 560,598 | −3.2 | 495,459 | 477,204 | −3.7 |
Utah | 51,240 | 50,255 | −1.9 | 42,865 | 41,709 | −2.7 |
Vermont | 23,239 | 22,730 | −2.2 | 19,667 | 19,165 | −2.6 |
Virginia | 218,912 | 213,071 | −2.7 | 187,134 | 181,500 | −3.0 |
Washington | 170,029 | 163,686 | −3.7 | 144,360 | 138,248 | −4.2 |
West Virginia | 88,962 | 86,540 | −2.7 | 74,772 | 72,580 | −2.9 |
Wisconsin | 169,516 | 166,404 | −1.8 | 142,054 | 138,863 | −2.2 |
Wyoming | 14,356 | 13,947 | −2.8 | 12,468 | 12,076 | −3.1 |
Puerto Rico | 157,566 | 153,932 | −2.3 | 133,312 | 129,953 | −2.5 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2022 and 2023. Data for this table can be found at and | ||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.8a). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.8b Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by Disabled Widow(er)s and Disabled Adult Children: 2022 to 2023
Table 12.8b Social Security Disability Insurance - Change in the Number of Beneficiaries of Federally Administered Payments by Disabled Widow(er)s and Disabled Adult Children: 2022 to 2023 | ||||||
State | Disabled Widow(er)s | Disabled Adult Children | ||||
2022 | 2023 | % Change | 2022 | 2023 | % Change | |
U.S. | 207,767 | 197,310 | −5.0 | 1,113,469 | 1,116,356 | 0.3 |
Alabama | 7,632 | 7,242 | −5.1 | 23,927 | 23,971 | 0.2 |
Alaska | 225 | 224 | −0.4 | 1,798 | 1,805 | 0.4 |
Arizona | 3,130 | 2,982 | −4.7 | 17,910 | 18,198 | 1.6 |
Arkansas | 4,501 | 4,466 | −0.8 | 14,336 | 14,555 | 1.5 |
California | 12,008 | 11,115 | −7.4 | 99,645 | 99,542 | −0.1 |
Colorado | 1,814 | 1,699 | −6.3 | 10,832 | 10,902 | 0.6 |
Connecticut | 1,415 | 1,407 | −0.6 | 13,190 | 13,217 | 0.2 |
Delaware | 608 | 569 | −6.4 | 3,044 | 3,078 | 1.1 |
District of Columbia | 208 | 190 | −8.7 | 1,632 | 1,607 | −1.5 |
Florida | 12,738 | 12,035 | −5.5 | 60,202 | 60,426 | 0.4 |
Georgia | 8,617 | 8,021 | −6.9 | 32,760 | 32,705 | −0.2 |
Hawaii | 371 | 347 | −6.5 | 3,262 | 3,268 | 0.2 |
Idaho | 921 | 880 | −4.5 | 6,344 | 6,397 | 0.8 |
Illinois | 5,861 | 5,455 | −6.9 | 44,371 | 44,087 | −0.6 |
Indiana | 5,718 | 5,333 | −6.7 | 25,751 | 25,678 | −0.3 |
Iowa | 1,732 | 1,701 | −1.8 | 12,678 | 12,897 | 1.7 |
Kansas | 1,827 | 1,737 | −4.9 | 10,226 | 10,404 | 1.7 |
Kentucky | 7,515 | 7,301 | −2.8 | 22,471 | 22,478 | 0.0 |
Louisiana | 5,264 | 4,948 | −6.0 | 22,720 | 22,521 | −0.9 |
Maine | 1,233 | 1,175 | −4.7 | 7,746 | 7,873 | 1.6 |
Maryland | 2,409 | 2,244 | −6.8 | 16,423 | 16,467 | 0.3 |
Massachusetts | 3,027 | 2,834 | −6.4 | 27,758 | 27,789 | 0.1 |
Michigan | 8,485 | 8,114 | −4.4 | 48,873 | 48,897 | 0.0 |
Minnesota | 1,798 | 1,754 | −2.4 | 18,747 | 18,888 | 0.8 |
Mississippi | 4,301 | 4,007 | −6.8 | 16,424 | 16,312 | −0.7 |
Missouri | 6,104 | 5,854 | −4.1 | 26,147 | 26,264 | 0.4 |
Montana | 577 | 551 | −4.5 | 3,523 | 3,516 | −0.2 |
Nebraska | 802 | 762 | −5.0 | 6,902 | 6,916 | 0.2 |
Nevada | 1,364 | 1,308 | −4.1 | 5,959 | 6,040 | 1.4 |
New Hampshire | 867 | 841 | −3.0 | 5,555 | 5,660 | 1.9 |
New Jersey | 3,626 | 3,394 | −6.4 | 28,476 | 28,551 | 0.3 |
New Mexico | 1,194 | 1,148 | −3.9 | 6,898 | 6,959 | 0.9 |
New York | 8,970 | 8,570 | −4.5 | 75,915 | 75,756 | −0.2 |
North Carolina | 9,247 | 8,967 | −3.0 | 37,917 | 38,193 | 0.7 |
North Dakota | 252 | 244 | −3.2 | 2,484 | 2,488 | 0.2 |
Ohio | 9,841 | 9,437 | −4.1 | 47,733 | 48,005 | 0.6 |
Oklahoma | 4,119 | 3,915 | −5.0 | 14,074 | 14,285 | 1.5 |
Oregon | 2,424 | 2,263 | −6.6 | 14,387 | 14,386 | 0.0 |
Pennsylvania | 9,294 | 8,844 | −4.8 | 53,651 | 53,597 | −0.1 |
Rhode Island | 661 | 637 | −3.6 | 4,777 | 4,766 | −0.2 |
South Carolina | 5,722 | 5,507 | −3.8 | 19,866 | 19,928 | 0.3 |
South Dakota | 330 | 320 | −3.0 | 2,922 | 2,924 | 0.1 |
Tennessee | 8,388 | 8,111 | −3.3 | 26,878 | 27,053 | 0.7 |
Texas | 14,101 | 13,188 | −6.5 | 69,848 | 70,206 | 0.5 |
Utah | 945 | 912 | −3.5 | 7,430 | 7,634 | 2.7 |
Vermont | 379 | 350 | −7.7 | 3,193 | 3,215 | 0.7 |
Virginia | 5,573 | 5,254 | −5.7 | 26,205 | 26,317 | 0.4 |
Washington | 3,347 | 3,154 | −5.8 | 22,322 | 22,284 | −0.2 |
West Virginia | 3,182 | 3,044 | −4.3 | 11,008 | 10,916 | −0.8 |
Wisconsin | 2,821 | 2,701 | −4.3 | 24,641 | 24,840 | 0.8 |
Wyoming | 270 | 247 | −8.5 | 1,618 | 1,624 | 0.4 |
Puerto Rico | 3,137 | 2,966 | −5.5 | 21,117 | 21,013 | −0.5 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2022 and 2023. Data for this table can be found at and | ||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.8b). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December
Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December | |||
Date | Applicants and Awards | ||
Applicants | Awards | Percent Awards | |
2005-January | 186,874 | 67,986 | 36.4 |
2005-February | 164,758 | 67,519 | 41.0 |
2005-March | 171,076 | 72,857 | 42.6 |
2005-April | 212,728 | 74,416 | 35.0 |
2005-May | 169,669 | 73,014 | 43.0 |
2005-June | 161,937 | 68,532 | 42.3 |
2005-July | 201,021 | 73,445 | 36.5 |
2005-August | 171,935 | 73,739 | 42.9 |
2005-September | 199,640 | 66,796 | 33.5 |
2005-October | 159,071 | 72,764 | 45.7 |
2005-November | 145,176 | 72,746 | 50.1 |
2005-December | 178,224 | 48,387 | 27.1 |
2006-January | 150,347 | 63,155 | 42.0 |
2006-February | 161,153 | 61,647 | 38.3 |
2006-March | 217,471 | 64,657 | 29.7 |
2006-April | 172,656 | 68,460 | 39.7 |
2006-May | 175,897 | 67,258 | 38.2 |
2006-June | 209,494 | 70,106 | 33.5 |
2006-July | 161,821 | 72,673 | 44.9 |
2006-August | 178,619 | 73,230 | 41.0 |
2006-September | 211,382 | 73,871 | 34.9 |
2006-October | 163,885 | 76,145 | 46.5 |
2006-November | 144,573 | 73,237 | 50.7 |
2006-December | 186,790 | 48,157 | 25.8 |
2007-January | 146,429 | 58,613 | 40.0 |
2007-February | 164,973 | 64,360 | 39.0 |
2007-March | 223,213 | 69,621 | 31.2 |
2007-April | 176,383 | 73,577 | 41.7 |
2007-May | 178,998 | 67,564 | 37.7 |
2007-June | 214,453 | 72,088 | 33.6 |
2007-July | 167,620 | 70,775 | 42.2 |
2007-August | 227,074 | 66,583 | 29.3 |
2007-September | 174,484 | 72,137 | 41.3 |
2007-October | 171,361 | 70,747 | 41.3 |
2007-November | 197,992 | 78,385 | 39.6 |
2007-December | 147,216 | 58,656 | 39.8 |
2008-January | 157,837 | 62,522 | 39.6 |
2008-February | 221,327 | 70,348 | 31.8 |
2008-March | 184,605 | 78,411 | 42.5 |
2008-April | 188,185 | 75,168 | 39.9 |
2008-May | 218,667 | 74,137 | 33.9 |
2008-June | 184,344 | 76,373 | 41.4 |
2008-July | 173,991 | 69,962 | 40.2 |
2008-August | 235,204 | 80,137 | 34.1 |
2008-September | 178,930 | 80,087 | 44.8 |
2008-October | 235,161 | 80,509 | 34.2 |
2008-November | 173,204 | 88,413 | 51.0 |
2008-December | 168,941 | 58,944 | 34.9 |
2009-January | 239,385 | 69,566 | 29.1 |
2009-February | 212,378 | 77,497 | 36.5 |
2009-March | 225,790 | 86,964 | 38.5 |
2009-April | 225,232 | 82,473 | 36.6 |
2009-May | 271,231 | 83,566 | 30.8 |
2009-June | 230,772 | 82,260 | 35.6 |
2009-July | 277,488 | 83,308 | 30.0 |
2009-August | 233,807 | 88,293 | 37.8 |
2009-September | 221,830 | 82,097 | 37.0 |
2009-October | 278,422 | 87,931 | 31.6 |
2009-November | 207,089 | 82,818 | 40.0 |
2009-December | 192,820 | 79,167 | 41.1 |
2010-January | 257,939 | 80,688 | 31.3 |
2010-February | 218,654 | 79,800 | 36.5 |
2010-March | 236,162 | 98,919 | 41.9 |
2010-April | 289,448 | 88,429 | 30.6 |
2010-May | 232,865 | 89,109 | 38.3 |
2010-June | 225,526 | 88,936 | 39.4 |
2010-July | 291,964 | 88,051 | 30.2 |
2010-August | 240,668 | 94,340 | 39.2 |
2010-September | 232,270 | 82,279 | 35.4 |
2010-October | 293,682 | 91,183 | 31.0 |
2010-November | 205,587 | 97,748 | 47.5 |
2010-December | 211,033 | 73,069 | 34.6 |
2011-January | 198,421 | 85,174 | 42.9 |
2011-February | 232,555 | 83,272 | 35.8 |
2011-March | 289,143 | 89,640 | 31.0 |
2011-April | 237,358 | 93,276 | 39.3 |
2011-May | 235,976 | 89,664 | 38.0 |
2011-June | 287,287 | 85,913 | 29.9 |
2011-July | 226,918 | 87,426 | 38.5 |
2011-August | 234,569 | 88,571 | 37.8 |
2011-September | 275,981 | 83,184 | 30.1 |
2011-October | 220,620 | 86,091 | 39.0 |
2011-November | 193,842 | 85,227 | 44.0 |
2011-December | 246,250 | 67,565 | 27.4 |
2012-January | 213,902 | 78,548 | 36.7 |
2012-February | 220,938 | 83,712 | 37.9 |
2012-March | 289,906 | 87,378 | 30.1 |
2012-April | 225,844 | 83,561 | 37.0 |
2012-May | 231,671 | 77,392 | 33.4 |
2012-June | 274,302 | 84,766 | 30.9 |
2012-July | 214,454 | 83,061 | 38.7 |
2012-August | 288,795 | 75,459 | 26.1 |
2012-September | 222,777 | 82,687 | 37.1 |
2012-October | 217,547 | 82,379 | 37.9 |
2012-November | 241,997 | 71,698 | 29.6 |
2012-December | 181,891 | 89,332 | 49.1 |
2013-January | 193,391 | 74,610 | 38.6 |
2013-February | 212,581 | 72,508 | 34.1 |
2013-March | 278,024 | 81,804 | 29.4 |
2013-April | 218,035 | 76,983 | 35.3 |
2013-May | 261,201 | 73,508 | 28.1 |
2013-June | 215,955 | 78,418 | 36.3 |
2013-July | 197,996 | 76,207 | 38.5 |
2013-August | 272,547 | 73,058 | 26.8 |
2013-September | 207,131 | 76,640 | 37.0 |
2013-October | 200,346 | 70,800 | 35.3 |
2013-November | 227,353 | 68,375 | 30.1 |
2013-December | 169,379 | 61,983 | 36.6 |
2014-January | 231,433 | 61,479 | 26.6 |
2014-February | 197,076 | 64,081 | 32.5 |
2014-March | 212,481 | 71,205 | 33.5 |
2014-April | 211,289 | 77,130 | 36.5 |
2014-May | 249,652 | 66,764 | 26.7 |
2014-June | 205,590 | 71,744 | 34.9 |
2014-July | 192,085 | 64,142 | 33.4 |
2014-August | 256,859 | 68,810 | 26.8 |
2014-September | 197,086 | 76,540 | 38.8 |
2014-October | 244,568 | 64,139 | 26.2 |
2014-November | 172,313 | 61,055 | 35.4 |
2014-December | 165,742 | 63,884 | 38.5 |
2015-January | 225,438 | 63,123 | 28.0 |
2015-February | 183,939 | 59,569 | 32.4 |
2015-March | 198,942 | 65,229 | 32.8 |
2015-April | 199,829 | 73,193 | 36.6 |
2015-May | 241,623 | 67,636 | 28.0 |
2015-June | 197,302 | 65,563 | 33.2 |
2015-July | 182,900 | 64,225 | 35.1 |
2015-August | 196,446 | 68,785 | 35.0 |
2015-September | 235,092 | 61,433 | 26.1 |
2015-October | 234,316 | 69,670 | 29.7 |
2015-November | 167,772 | 56,322 | 33.6 |
2015-December | 163,844 | 60,991 | 37.2 |
2016-January | 211,118 | 63,041 | 29.9 |
2016-February | 181,752 | 64,259 | 35.4 |
2016-March | 185,785 | 57,823 | 31.1 |
2016-April | 235,612 | 71,648 | 30.4 |
2016-May | 187,647 | 65,310 | 34.8 |
2016-June | 174,750 | 59,247 | 33.9 |
2016-July | 220,353 | 62,339 | 28.3 |
2016-August | 186,226 | 66,305 | 35.6 |
2016-September | 221,215 | 61,401 | 27.8 |
2016-October | 168,393 | 65,121 | 38.7 |
2016-November | 155,329 | 50,275 | 32.4 |
2016-December | 193,403 | 57,499 | 29.7 |
2017-January | 167,168 | 69,910 | 41.8 |
2017-February | 170,806 | 57,982 | 33.9 |
2017-March | 223,991 | 65,782 | 29.4 |
2017-April | 174,800 | 67,779 | 38.8 |
2017-May | 177,522 | 62,193 | 35.0 |
2017-June | 210,491 | 66,458 | 31.6 |
2017-July | 164,092 | 67,837 | 41.3 |
2017-August | 177,801 | 66,912 | 37.6 |
2017-September | 206,195 | 67,071 | 32.5 |
2017-October | 167,053 | 63,654 | 38.1 |
2017-November | 152,064 | 49,028 | 32.2 |
2017-December | 187,945 | 57,535 | 30.6 |
2018-January | 156,670 | 67,036 | 42.8 |
2018-February | 169,070 | 51,934 | 30.7 |
2018-March | 212,337 | 69,711 | 32.8 |
2018-April | 172,088 | 65,387 | 38.0 |
2018-May | 170,296 | 59,876 | 35.2 |
2018-June | 207,406 | 64,176 | 30.9 |
2018-July | 164,037 | 66,154 | 40.3 |
2018-August | 219,272 | 60,048 | 27.4 |
2018-September | 165,563 | 64,290 | 38.8 |
2018-October | 143,689 | 63,366 | 44.1 |
2018-November | 169,792 | 47,715 | 28.1 |
2018-December | 123,073 | 54,186 | 44.0 |
2019-January | 144,192 | 65,077 | 45.1 |
2019-February | 151,863 | 58,088 | 38.3 |
2019-March | 204,974 | 69,962 | 34.1 |
2019-April | 162,129 | 64,324 | 39.7 |
2019-May | 196,149 | 60,410 | 30.8 |
2019-June | 168,361 | 65,686 | 39.0 |
2019-July | 154,989 | 60,704 | 39.2 |
2019-August | 208,681 | 60,343 | 28.9 |
2019-September | 158,185 | 64,443 | 40.7 |
2019-October | 154,973 | 57,942 | 37.4 |
2019-November | 178,508 | 57,523 | 32.2 |
2019-December | 132,178 | 39,356 | 29.8 |
2020-January | 186,937 | 64,278 | 34.4 |
2020-February | 165,141 | 63,675 | 38.6 |
2020-March | 160,182 | 68,433 | 42.7 |
2020-April | 144,256 | 56,521 | 39.2 |
2020-May | 162,831 | 57,788 | 35.5 |
2020-June | 139,980 | 49,320 | 35.2 |
2020-July | 171,363 | 46,696 | 27.2 |
2020-August | 144,759 | 52,246 | 36.1 |
2020-September | 135,141 | 50,967 | 37.7 |
2020-October | 176,326 | 47,091 | 26.7 |
2020-November | 125,559 | 42,512 | 33.9 |
2020-December | 126,418 | 48,594 | 38.4 |
2021-January | 160,654 | 51,700 | 32.2 |
2021-February | 135,139 | 47,925 | 35.5 |
2021-March | 139,940 | 53,214 | 38.0 |
2021-April | 170,141 | 48,619 | 28.6 |
2021-May | 140,484 | 50,622 | 36.0 |
2021-June | 134,043 | 46,402 | 34.6 |
2021-July | 177,470 | 45,417 | 25.6 |
2021-August | 151,403 | 49,759 | 32.9 |
2021-September | 144,773 | 44,019 | 30.4 |
2021-October | 186,026 | 47,226 | 25.4 |
2021-November | 129,927 | 39,648 | 30.5 |
2021-December | 150,282 | 47,401 | 31.5 |
2022-January | 145,416 | 48,781 | 33.5 |
2022-February | 142,010 | 43,290 | 30.5 |
2022-March | 146,564 | 47,131 | 32.2 |
2022-April | 183,987 | 47,149 | 25.6 |
2022-May | 145,391 | 47,409 | 32.6 |
2022-June | 132,029 | 41,016 | 31.1 |
2022-July | 176,351 | 45,762 | 25.9 |
2022-August | 146,431 | 48,268 | 33.0 |
2022-September | 175,107 | 44,798 | 25.6 |
2022-October | 135,566 | 46,254 | 34.1 |
2022-November | 122,186 | 36,915 | 30.2 |
2022-December | 153,346 | 46,672 | 30.4 |
2023-January | 136,231 | 46,116 | 33.9 |
2023-February | 148,652 | 44,345 | 29.8 |
2023-March | 188,660 | 48,941 | 25.9 |
2023-April | 153,402 | 49,191 | 32.1 |
2023-May | 155,666 | 46,680 | 30.0 |
2023-June | 178,698 | 44,487 | 24.9 |
2023-July | 143,374 | 48,057 | 33.5 |
2023-August | 156,748 | 46,717 | 29.8 |
2023-September | 187,682 | 47,440 | 25.3 |
2023-October | 149,349 | 50,408 | 33.8 |
2023-November | 134,690 | 36,989 | 27.5 |
2023-December | 171,483 | 52,214 | 30.4 |
2024-January | 141,323 | 46,953 | 33.2 |
2024-February | 154,795 | 46,813 | 30.2 |
2024-March | 199,416 | 53,933 | 27.0 |
2024-April | 162,809 | 51,020 | 31.3 |
2024-May | 192,155 | 47,579 | 24.8 |
2024-June | 157,809 | 49,181 | 31.2 |
2024-July | 143,295 | 57,082 | 39.8 |
2024-August | 200,836 | 58,200 | 29.0 |
2024-September | 147,773 | 62,356 | 42.2 |
2024-October | 144,946 | 53,278 | 36.8 |
2024-November | 167,328 | 52,771 | 31.5 |
2024-December | 124,555 | 50,705 | 40.7 |
Note: Sourced from Social Security Administration, 2023. Data for this table can be found at | |||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual disability statistics compendium: 2025 (Table 12.9). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Figure 1: Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants
Chart Description: A chart showing the number of applications per month. This is a visual representation of data found in Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December.
Figure 2: Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Awards
Chart Description: A chart showing the number of awards per month. This is a visual representation of data found in Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December.
Figure 3: Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Percent Awarded
Chart Description: A chart showing the percent awarded per month. This is a visual representation of data found in Table 12.9 Social Security Disability Insurance - Monthly Number of Applicants and Awards: 2005-January to 2024-December.