Section 11: Health - Compendium (2025)

This section presents statistics on health in the United States, especially the health of people with disabilities. The data address the prevalence of disabilities, health behaviors such as smoking, obesity, and binge drinking by disability status. These statistics were generated by the authors using the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS). Go to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Disability and Health Data System for additional information on the health of the population with disabilities (Disability and Health Data System). Statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (go to glossary for greater detail).

In 2023 Kentucky and Pennsylvania were unable to collect the necessary sample responses to meet minimum requirements to be included in the publicly available BRFSS dataset, and are therefore not included in this section.


Table 11.1: In 2023, there were 254,070,000 individuals ages 18 and over living in the community, of which 72,151,000 had a disability, representing 30.1%. Puerto Rico/PR had the highest percentage of individuals with disabilities at 43.2%, while the District of Columbia/DC had the lowest percentage of individuals with disabilities was at 22.4%. Table 11.1 Health - Persons with and without Disabilities Ages 18 and Over: 2023

Tables 11.2: In 2023, the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over with disabilities who smoke was 17.1%; while the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over without disabilities who smoke was 8.7%. The state with the greatest disparity in the percent who smoke between people with and without disabilities was Utah/UT, with a relative ratio of 2.413. Table 11.2 Health - Smoking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Tables 11.3: In 2023, the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over with disabilities who were obese was 39.6%; while the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over without disabilities who were obese was 29.9%. The state with the greatest disparity in the percent who were obese between people with and without disabilities was the District of Columbia/DC, with a relative ratio of 1.859. Table 11.3 Health - Obesity Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Tables 11.4: In 2023, the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over with disabilities who binge drank was 13.4%; while the percent of individuals ages 18 years and over without disabilities who binge drank was 16%. The state with the greatest disparity in the percent who binge drank between people with and without disabilities was Guam/GU, with a relative ratio of 0.43. Table 11.4 Health - Binge Drinking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Table 11.1 Health - Persons with and without Disabilities Ages 18 and Over: 2023

Table 11.1 Health - Persons with and without Disabilities Ages 18 and Over: 2023
State Total Disability No Disability
# ME# # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 254,070,000 1,536,000 72,151,000 891,000 30.1 0.3 167,313,000 1,286,000 69.9 0.3
Alabama 4,027,000 161,000 1,432,000 97,000 37.1 2.0 2,427,000 123,000 62.9 2.0
Alaska 561,000 21,000 161,000 12,000 29.9 1.8 377,000 17,000 70.1 1.8
Arizona 5,882,000 164,000 1,706,000 87,000 30.4 1.3 3,908,000 135,000 69.6 1.3
Arkansas 2,381,000 85,000 896,000 51,000 39.9 1.8 1,347,000 65,000 60.1 1.8
California 30,957,000 838,000 8,272,000 423,000 28.7 1.3 20,596,000 691,000 71.3 1.3
Colorado 4,698,000 125,000 1,195,000 64,000 26.9 1.2 3,254,000 103,000 73.1 1.2
Connecticut 2,936,000 94,000 667,000 45,000 24.5 1.4 2,057,000 78,000 75.5 1.4
Delaware 829,000 38,000 229,000 18,000 29.4 2.0 550,000 31,000 70.6 2.0
District of Columbia 565,000 29,000 120,000 14,000 22.4 2.3 416,000 25,000 77.6 2.3
Florida 18,521,000 660,000 5,419,000 359,000 31.1 1.7 11,984,000 530,000 68.9 1.7
Georgia 8,636,000 282,000 2,332,000 140,000 29.2 1.5 5,665,000 232,000 70.8 1.5
Hawaii 1,157,000 39,000 297,000 20,000 26.8 1.5 811,000 32,000 73.2 1.5
Idaho 1,510,000 49,000 496,000 28,000 33.9 1.6 968,000 40,000 66.1 1.6
Illinois 9,908,000 366,000 2,545,000 192,000 26.8 1.7 6,951,000 304,000 73.2 1.7
Indiana 5,323,000 127,000 1,536,000 68,000 31.4 1.2 3,350,000 100,000 68.6 1.2
Iowa 2,497,000 68,000 668,000 34,000 27.7 1.3 1,741,000 57,000 72.3 1.3
Kansas 2,265,000 61,000 657,000 33,000 30.5 1.3 1,499,000 50,000 69.5 1.3
Louisiana 3,552,000 125,000 1,225,000 71,000 36.9 1.7 2,096,000 98,000 63.1 1.7
Maine 1,149,000 31,000 358,000 17,000 32.6 1.3 740,000 25,000 67.4 1.3
Maryland 4,891,000 122,000 1,137,000 56,000 24.9 1.1 3,437,000 104,000 75.1 1.1
Massachusetts 5,725,000 173,000 1,450,000 90,000 27.2 1.4 3,880,000 141,000 72.8 1.4
Michigan 7,981,000 218,000 2,344,000 120,000 30.9 1.3 5,231,000 176,000 69.1 1.3
Minnesota 4,477,000 103,000 1,111,000 52,000 26.5 1.1 3,079,000 85,000 73.5 1.1
Mississippi 2,289,000 96,000 834,000 59,000 37.7 2.1 1,377,000 72,000 62.3 2.1
Missouri 4,858,000 157,000 1,682,000 90,000 35.7 1.6 3,025,000 127,000 64.3 1.6
Montana 904,000 28,000 280,000 15,000 31.9 1.4 598,000 22,000 68.1 1.4
Nebraska 1,510,000 36,000 390,000 18,000 27.0 1.1 1,057,000 30,000 73.0 1.1
Nevada 2,545,000 161,000 806,000 95,000 33.5 3.2 1,599,000 125,000 66.5 3.2
New Hampshire 1,158,000 42,000 308,000 22,000 27.7 1.7 803,000 36,000 72.3 1.7
New Jersey 7,395,000 218,000 1,656,000 104,000 24.2 1.3 5,198,000 183,000 75.8 1.3
New Mexico 1,665,000 89,000 538,000 50,000 33.9 2.5 1,050,000 70,000 66.1 2.5
New York 15,807,000 362,000 3,933,000 180,000 26.8 1.1 10,728,000 295,000 73.2 1.1
North Carolina 8,594,000 373,000 2,628,000 205,000 31.7 2.0 5,668,000 304,000 68.3 2.0
North Dakota 607,000 21,000 155,000 10,000 27.2 1.5 415,000 17,000 72.8 1.5
Ohio 9,278,000 229,000 2,615,000 123,000 29.8 1.2 6,153,000 186,000 70.2 1.2
Oklahoma 3,121,000 92,000 1,155,000 57,000 39.4 1.5 1,776,000 69,000 60.6 1.5
Oregon 3,438,000 115,000 974,000 62,000 29.7 1.6 2,309,000 94,000 70.3 1.6
Rhode Island 897,000 35,000 246,000 20,000 29.0 1.9 602,000 28,000 71.0 1.9
South Carolina 4,267,000 119,000 1,300,000 66,000 32.4 1.4 2,717,000 96,000 67.6 1.4
South Dakota 704,000 43,000 208,000 23,000 31.3 2.8 458,000 34,000 68.7 2.8
Tennessee 5,628,000 203,000 1,915,000 122,000 36.2 1.8 3,374,000 154,000 63.8 1.8
Texas 23,395,000 835,000 6,751,000 477,000 30.8 1.8 15,190,000 651,000 69.2 1.8
Utah 2,496,000 62,000 665,000 33,000 28.0 1.2 1,706,000 51,000 72.0 1.2
Vermont 536,000 18,000 139,000 10,000 27.3 1.6 370,000 15,000 72.7 1.6
Virginia 6,930,000 247,000 1,985,000 128,000 30.2 1.6 4,592,000 205,000 69.8 1.6
Washington 6,236,000 100,000 1,638,000 52,000 27.3 0.7 4,361,000 83,000 72.7 0.7
West Virginia 1,425,000 52,000 550,000 32,000 39.8 1.8 833,000 40,000 60.2 1.8
Wisconsin 4,685,000 115,000 1,226,000 55,000 28.4 1.1 3,096,000 95,000 71.6 1.1
Wyoming 452,000 18,000 134,000 9,000 30.9 1.8 299,000 15,000 69.1 1.8
Guam 112,000 10,000 34,000 5,000 32.1 3.9 72,000 8,000 67.9 3.9
Puerto Rico 2,706,000 111,000 1,154,000 73,000 43.2 2.0 1,518,000 83,000 56.8 2.0
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Annual Survey Data, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 11.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 11.2 Health - Smoking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Table 11.2 Health - Smoking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023
State Disability No Disability Disability - Smoking No Disability - Smoking Relative Ratio
# # # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 72,151,000 167,313,000 12,331,000 382,000 17.1 0.5 14,547,000 392,000 8.7 0.2 1.966
Alabama 1,432,000 2,427,000 266,000 41,000 18.6 2.6 283,000 43,000 11.7 1.7 1.592
Alaska 161,000 377,000 34,000 6,000 21.4 3.0 47,000 6,000 12.4 1.4 1.727
Arizona 1,706,000 3,908,000 260,000 34,000 15.2 1.8 296,000 36,000 7.6 0.9 2.008
Arkansas 896,000 1,347,000 184,000 23,000 20.5 2.3 151,000 22,000 11.2 1.5 1.835
California 8,272,000 20,596,000 1,134,000 160,000 13.7 1.8 1,267,000 155,000 6.1 0.8 2.229
Colorado 1,195,000 3,254,000 181,000 26,000 15.1 2.0 264,000 31,000 8.1 1.0 1.863
Connecticut 667,000 2,057,000 83,000 15,000 12.4 2.2 142,000 21,000 6.9 1.0 1.809
Delaware 229,000 550,000 44,000 9,000 19.1 3.3 44,000 8,000 8.0 1.3 2.398
District of Columbia 120,000 416,000 18,000 6,000 14.9 4.8 34,000 9,000 8.1 2.0 1.848
Florida 5,419,000 11,984,000 871,000 147,000 16.1 2.5 934,000 152,000 7.8 1.2 2.062
Georgia 2,332,000 5,665,000 410,000 61,000 17.6 2.4 537,000 70,000 9.5 1.2 1.856
Hawaii 297,000 811,000 37,000 7,000 12.6 2.2 62,000 9,000 7.6 1.1 1.652
Idaho 496,000 968,000 74,000 11,000 14.9 2.1 77,000 12,000 7.9 1.2 1.877
Illinois 2,545,000 6,951,000 421,000 86,000 16.5 3.1 594,000 96,000 8.5 1.4 1.935
Indiana 1,536,000 3,350,000 323,000 32,000 21.0 1.9 373,000 33,000 11.1 1.0 1.889
Iowa 668,000 1,741,000 125,000 14,000 18.7 2.0 199,000 20,000 11.4 1.1 1.639
Kansas 657,000 1,499,000 131,000 16,000 19.9 2.1 166,000 18,000 11.1 1.1 1.799
Louisiana 1,225,000 2,096,000 247,000 30,000 20.1 2.3 268,000 37,000 12.8 1.6 1.577
Maine 358,000 740,000 72,000 8,000 20.0 2.0 79,000 8,000 10.7 1.0 1.876
Maryland 1,137,000 3,437,000 171,000 24,000 15.1 1.9 240,000 28,000 7.0 0.8 2.163
Massachusetts 1,450,000 3,880,000 229,000 38,000 15.8 2.4 280,000 40,000 7.2 1.0 2.184
Michigan 2,344,000 5,231,000 492,000 61,000 21.0 2.3 527,000 56,000 10.1 1.0 2.085
Minnesota 1,111,000 3,079,000 204,000 21,000 18.4 1.7 297,000 28,000 9.6 0.9 1.910
Mississippi 834,000 1,377,000 172,000 29,000 20.7 3.0 172,000 25,000 12.5 1.7 1.658
Missouri 1,682,000 3,025,000 371,000 43,000 22.1 2.2 338,000 44,000 11.2 1.4 1.975
Montana 280,000 598,000 48,000 6,000 17.3 2.0 59,000 8,000 9.9 1.3 1.737
Nebraska 390,000 1,057,000 62,000 7,000 15.9 1.6 110,000 10,000 10.4 1.0 1.523
Nevada 806,000 1,599,000 174,000 60,000 21.6 6.3 162,000 41,000 10.1 2.6 2.131
New Hampshire 308,000 803,000 46,000 9,000 14.9 2.7 67,000 11,000 8.4 1.3 1.779
New Jersey 1,656,000 5,198,000 227,000 37,000 13.7 2.1 395,000 53,000 7.6 1.0 1.799
New Mexico 538,000 1,050,000 94,000 22,000 17.5 3.7 97,000 21,000 9.3 1.9 1.892
New York 3,933,000 10,728,000 551,000 67,000 14.0 1.6 792,000 75,000 7.4 0.7 1.899
North Carolina 2,628,000 5,668,000 491,000 94,000 18.7 3.2 593,000 116,000 10.5 1.9 1.787
North Dakota 155,000 415,000 31,000 5,000 20.0 3.0 44,000 6,000 10.6 1.4 1.889
Ohio 2,615,000 6,153,000 558,000 59,000 21.3 2.0 741,000 67,000 12.1 1.0 1.771
Oklahoma 1,155,000 1,776,000 255,000 27,000 22.1 2.1 197,000 23,000 11.1 1.2 1.992
Oregon 974,000 2,309,000 153,000 24,000 15.7 2.3 186,000 27,000 8.1 1.1 1.941
Rhode Island 246,000 602,000 33,000 6,000 13.4 2.4 45,000 8,000 7.5 1.3 1.786
South Carolina 1,300,000 2,717,000 209,000 28,000 16.1 2.0 271,000 30,000 10.0 1.0 1.615
South Dakota 208,000 458,000 42,000 11,000 20.0 4.6 58,000 13,000 12.7 2.7 1.577
Tennessee 1,915,000 3,374,000 501,000 65,000 26.1 2.9 373,000 51,000 11.1 1.4 2.366
Texas 6,751,000 15,190,000 1,155,000 201,000 17.1 2.8 1,314,000 192,000 8.7 1.2 1.979
Utah 665,000 1,706,000 67,000 11,000 10.0 1.6 71,000 11,000 4.2 0.6 2.413
Vermont 139,000 370,000 24,000 4,000 17.0 2.6 33,000 6,000 8.9 1.5 1.909
Virginia 1,985,000 4,592,000 294,000 50,000 14.8 2.4 403,000 62,000 8.8 1.3 1.690
Washington 1,638,000 4,361,000 241,000 19,000 14.7 1.1 290,000 22,000 6.6 0.5 2.215
West Virginia 550,000 833,000 145,000 18,000 26.4 2.6 132,000 17,000 15.9 1.9 1.664
Wisconsin 1,226,000 3,096,000 225,000 25,000 18.3 1.8 285,000 28,000 9.2 0.9 1.986
Wyoming 134,000 299,000 27,000 4,000 20.0 2.8 34,000 5,000 11.2 1.6 1.783
Guam 34,000 72,000 7,000 2,000 20.9 5.7 12,000 4,000 16.4 4.2 1.272
Puerto Rico 1,154,000 1,518,000 117,000 26,000 10.2 2.1 113,000 23,000 7.5 1.4 1.365
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Annual Survey Data, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio (RR) is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability who smoke over the percentage of people without disability who smoke. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in smoking percentage.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 11.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 11.3 Health - Obesity Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Table 11.3 Health - Obesity Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023
State Disability No Disability Disability - Obesity No Disability - Obesity Relative Ratio
# # # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 67,173,000 156,316,000 26,616,000 505,000 39.6 0.6 46,686,000 694,000 29.9 0.4 1.327
Alabama 1,374,000 2,327,000 570,000 60,000 41.5 3.3 882,000 73,000 37.9 2.5 1.094
Alaska 153,000 353,000 60,000 7,000 39.1 3.5 118,000 10,000 33.4 2.2 1.171
Arizona 1,576,000 3,672,000 595,000 51,000 37.7 2.6 1,078,000 72,000 29.4 1.6 1.285
Arkansas 844,000 1,268,000 387,000 33,000 45.8 2.9 465,000 38,000 36.7 2.3 1.249
California 7,364,000 18,875,000 2,638,000 227,000 35.8 2.5 4,643,000 324,000 24.6 1.5 1.456
Colorado 1,107,000 3,068,000 360,000 35,000 32.5 2.6 687,000 47,000 22.4 1.3 1.452
Connecticut 601,000 1,885,000 227,000 25,000 37.8 3.3 499,000 38,000 26.5 1.7 1.429
Delaware 216,000 518,000 90,000 12,000 41.7 4.0 175,000 18,000 33.8 2.8 1.236
District of Columbia 112,000 387,000 41,000 8,000 36.6 5.6 76,000 10,000 19.7 2.4 1.859
Florida 5,036,000 11,123,000 1,770,000 187,000 35.2 3.1 3,069,000 263,000 27.6 2.0 1.274
Georgia 2,195,000 5,320,000 905,000 83,000 41.2 3.0 1,717,000 131,000 32.3 2.0 1.277
Hawaii 291,000 786,000 93,000 11,000 32.0 3.0 189,000 16,000 24.0 1.8 1.331
Idaho 458,000 900,000 171,000 16,000 37.3 2.7 251,000 20,000 27.9 1.9 1.336
Illinois 2,425,000 6,746,000 1,095,000 131,000 45.2 3.8 2,183,000 181,000 32.4 2.1 1.396
Indiana 1,457,000 3,173,000 661,000 45,000 45.3 2.3 1,084,000 56,000 34.2 1.5 1.328
Iowa 637,000 1,643,000 280,000 22,000 43.9 2.6 583,000 33,000 35.5 1.6 1.239
Kansas 623,000 1,419,000 273,000 21,000 43.8 2.5 460,000 27,000 32.4 1.6 1.352
Louisiana 1,158,000 1,993,000 523,000 47,000 45.2 2.9 732,000 58,000 36.7 2.3 1.231
Maine 340,000 699,000 142,000 11,000 41.8 2.4 196,000 13,000 28.0 1.6 1.491
Maryland 1,036,000 3,155,000 427,000 33,000 41.2 2.5 1,000,000 55,000 31.7 1.5 1.300
Massachusetts 1,357,000 3,580,000 488,000 51,000 36.0 3.0 873,000 66,000 24.4 1.6 1.476
Michigan 2,215,000 4,940,000 924,000 73,000 41.7 2.5 1,619,000 97,000 32.8 1.6 1.273
Minnesota 1,028,000 2,856,000 418,000 35,000 40.7 2.5 877,000 45,000 30.7 1.3 1.324
Mississippi 803,000 1,341,000 366,000 40,000 45.6 3.5 496,000 47,000 37.0 2.6 1.233
Missouri 1,578,000 2,815,000 662,000 57,000 42.0 2.7 892,000 66,000 31.7 2.0 1.324
Montana 266,000 571,000 97,000 9,000 36.4 2.6 158,000 12,000 27.7 1.7 1.314
Nebraska 370,000 998,000 168,000 11,000 45.4 2.3 335,000 16,000 33.6 1.4 1.353
Nevada 769,000 1,492,000 258,000 44,000 33.5 5.2 435,000 65,000 29.2 3.6 1.149
New Hampshire 283,000 746,000 121,000 14,000 42.8 3.6 218,000 19,000 29.2 2.1 1.468
New Jersey 1,524,000 4,840,000 568,000 61,000 37.3 3.1 1,279,000 91,000 26.4 1.6 1.411
New Mexico 523,000 1,013,000 193,000 30,000 36.8 4.5 344,000 41,000 34.0 3.2 1.083
New York 3,631,000 9,883,000 1,318,000 101,000 36.3 2.3 2,468,000 134,000 25.0 1.2 1.454
North Carolina 2,443,000 5,289,000 1,031,000 132,000 42.2 3.9 1,592,000 153,000 30.1 2.5 1.401
North Dakota 146,000 389,000 63,000 7,000 43.2 3.4 127,000 9,000 32.6 2.0 1.322
Ohio 2,430,000 5,774,000 1,032,000 74,000 42.5 2.3 1,969,000 104,000 34.1 1.5 1.246
Oklahoma 1,095,000 1,699,000 487,000 37,000 44.5 2.5 594,000 39,000 35.0 1.8 1.272
Oregon 913,000 2,157,000 382,000 38,000 41.8 3.2 652,000 49,000 30.2 1.9 1.385
Rhode Island 225,000 558,000 81,000 10,000 35.8 3.7 168,000 15,000 30.0 2.2 1.193
South Carolina 1,215,000 2,508,000 548,000 44,000 45.1 2.6 787,000 52,000 31.4 1.7 1.437
South Dakota 200,000 431,000 81,000 15,000 40.3 5.6 146,000 21,000 33.8 3.7 1.193
Tennessee 1,791,000 3,211,000 753,000 74,000 42.0 3.1 1,152,000 91,000 35.9 2.2 1.171
Texas 6,267,000 14,081,000 2,365,000 245,000 37.7 3.4 4,591,000 355,000 32.6 2.1 1.157
Utah 612,000 1,591,000 225,000 18,000 36.8 2.4 434,000 26,000 27.3 1.4 1.348
Vermont 130,000 349,000 44,000 5,000 34.1 3.2 94,000 8,000 26.9 1.9 1.268
Virginia 1,870,000 4,329,000 769,000 75,000 41.1 3.2 1,364,000 107,000 31.5 2.1 1.305
Washington 1,521,000 4,036,000 587,000 31,000 38.6 1.6 1,107,000 42,000 27.4 0.9 1.407
West Virginia 529,000 807,000 242,000 21,000 45.8 2.9 308,000 25,000 38.1 2.4 1.201
Wisconsin 1,151,000 2,885,000 518,000 35,000 45.0 2.3 935,000 51,000 32.4 1.5 1.388
Wyoming 126,000 285,000 49,000 6,000 39.0 3.4 87,000 8,000 30.7 2.2 1.270
Guam 33,000 71,000 13,000 3,000 40.6 7.0 23,000 5,000 32.2 5.1 1.262
Puerto Rico 1,127,000 1,479,000 460,000 48,000 40.8 3.1 475,000 46,000 32.1 2.6 1.269
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Annual Survey Data, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio (RR) is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with obesity over the percentage of people without disability with obesity. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in obesity percentage.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 11.3). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.

Table 11.4 Health - Binge Drinking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023

Table 11.4 Health - Binge Drinking Among Persons Ages 18 and Over with and without Disabilities for the United States and States: 2023
State Disability No Disability Disability - Binge Drinking No Disability - Binge Drinking Relative Ratio
# # # ME# % ME% # ME# % ME%
U.S. 68,416,000 160,110,000 9,166,000 401,000 13.4 0.5 25,593,000 507,000 16.0 0.3 0.838
Alabama 1,401,000 2,345,000 140,000 33,000 10.0 2.3 346,000 51,000 14.7 2.0 0.678
Alaska 155,000 362,000 24,000 5,000 15.6 3.2 63,000 7,000 17.5 1.7 0.895
Arizona 1,626,000 3,737,000 196,000 31,000 12.1 1.7 582,000 53,000 15.6 1.3 0.773
Arkansas 856,000 1,296,000 100,000 19,000 11.7 2.0 190,000 25,000 14.7 1.7 0.796
California 7,810,000 19,672,000 1,079,000 155,000 13.8 1.9 2,802,000 224,000 14.2 1.1 0.970
Colorado 1,137,000 3,141,000 201,000 28,000 17.7 2.2 567,000 42,000 18.1 1.2 0.980
Connecticut 618,000 1,936,000 75,000 15,000 12.1 2.3 304,000 29,000 15.7 1.4 0.770
Delaware 220,000 530,000 25,000 7,000 11.2 2.6 78,000 12,000 14.8 2.1 0.756
District of Columbia 113,000 404,000 22,000 7,000 19.7 5.0 118,000 14,000 29.3 2.8 0.673
Florida 5,064,000 11,196,000 739,000 154,000 14.6 2.8 1,595,000 191,000 14.2 1.7 1.024
Georgia 2,194,000 5,382,000 286,000 57,000 13.0 2.5 769,000 86,000 14.3 1.5 0.913
Hawaii 287,000 792,000 42,000 7,000 14.6 2.4 155,000 15,000 19.6 1.7 0.747
Idaho 480,000 934,000 59,000 11,000 12.3 2.1 151,000 17,000 16.2 1.6 0.760
Illinois 2,454,000 6,708,000 372,000 69,000 15.2 2.7 1,289,000 134,000 19.2 1.8 0.789
Indiana 1,457,000 3,214,000 177,000 24,000 12.1 1.6 538,000 42,000 16.8 1.2 0.724
Iowa 647,000 1,705,000 98,000 13,000 15.2 1.9 385,000 28,000 22.6 1.4 0.672
Kansas 635,000 1,462,000 82,000 13,000 12.9 1.9 253,000 21,000 17.3 1.3 0.747
Louisiana 1,148,000 2,035,000 151,000 25,000 13.1 2.1 359,000 37,000 17.6 1.7 0.743
Maine 341,000 710,000 44,000 7,000 13.0 1.9 114,000 11,000 16.1 1.3 0.810
Maryland 1,072,000 3,255,000 118,000 19,000 11.1 1.6 438,000 38,000 13.5 1.1 0.821
Massachusetts 1,386,000 3,735,000 192,000 33,000 13.8 2.3 651,000 57,000 17.4 1.4 0.794
Michigan 2,235,000 4,972,000 281,000 44,000 12.6 1.9 811,000 71,000 16.3 1.3 0.772
Minnesota 1,046,000 2,931,000 140,000 18,000 13.4 1.6 534,000 35,000 18.2 1.1 0.733
Mississippi 803,000 1,319,000 81,000 17,000 10.1 2.1 197,000 29,000 15.0 2.0 0.675
Missouri 1,633,000 2,934,000 218,000 33,000 13.3 1.9 522,000 57,000 17.8 1.7 0.749
Montana 271,000 585,000 43,000 6,000 16.0 2.1 124,000 10,000 21.2 1.6 0.753
Nebraska 378,000 1,028,000 56,000 8,000 14.9 1.8 212,000 14,000 20.7 1.2 0.719
Nevada 754,000 1,498,000 108,000 37,000 14.3 4.7 249,000 47,000 16.6 3.0 0.861
New Hampshire 293,000 778,000 39,000 9,000 13.3 2.9 127,000 16,000 16.3 1.9 0.815
New Jersey 1,534,000 4,925,000 199,000 36,000 13.0 2.2 747,000 67,000 15.2 1.3 0.855
New Mexico 519,000 1,034,000 66,000 20,000 12.6 3.6 129,000 24,000 12.5 2.3 1.011
New York 3,684,000 10,242,000 447,000 57,000 12.1 1.5 1,635,000 107,000 16.0 1.0 0.761
North Carolina 2,486,000 5,370,000 345,000 77,000 13.9 2.9 731,000 108,000 13.6 1.9 1.020
North Dakota 146,000 399,000 23,000 5,000 15.5 2.7 94,000 9,000 23.5 1.8 0.659
Ohio 2,482,000 5,890,000 322,000 47,000 13.0 1.7 985,000 75,000 16.7 1.2 0.775
Oklahoma 1,091,000 1,698,000 126,000 21,000 11.6 1.8 258,000 27,000 15.2 1.5 0.762
Oregon 931,000 2,216,000 109,000 20,000 11.7 2.1 346,000 36,000 15.6 1.5 0.750
Rhode Island 230,000 569,000 25,000 6,000 10.8 2.6 106,000 12,000 18.6 2.0 0.580
South Carolina 1,231,000 2,561,000 151,000 25,000 12.3 1.8 400,000 37,000 15.6 1.4 0.784
South Dakota 193,000 448,000 35,000 10,000 18.1 4.6 93,000 16,000 20.9 3.2 0.867
Tennessee 1,828,000 3,264,000 236,000 47,000 12.9 2.4 461,000 56,000 14.1 1.6 0.913
Texas 6,314,000 14,565,000 1,037,000 271,000 16.4 3.8 2,524,000 265,000 17.3 1.7 0.948
Utah 640,000 1,664,000 82,000 14,000 12.8 2.0 192,000 19,000 11.5 1.1 1.109
Vermont 133,000 358,000 18,000 4,000 13.8 2.4 59,000 6,000 16.6 1.5 0.832
Virginia 1,878,000 4,432,000 198,000 44,000 10.5 2.3 623,000 70,000 14.1 1.5 0.749
Washington 1,581,000 4,247,000 220,000 20,000 13.9 1.2 687,000 33,000 16.2 0.7 0.860
West Virginia 536,000 817,000 45,000 10,000 8.4 1.8 124,000 16,000 15.2 1.8 0.554
Wisconsin 1,171,000 2,979,000 175,000 24,000 15.0 1.8 591,000 43,000 19.8 1.3 0.754
Wyoming 130,000 287,000 13,000 3,000 10.1 2.4 48,000 6,000 16.6 1.9 0.611
Guam 33,000 70,000 4,000 2,000 11.0 4.3 18,000 5,000 25.5 5.2 0.430
Puerto Rico 1,135,000 1,481,000 103,000 21,000 9.0 1.9 214,000 30,000 14.4 2.0 0.626
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Annual Survey Data, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio (RR) is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability who binge drink over the percentage of people without disability who binge drink. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in binge drinking percentage.
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 11.4). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability.