This section presents statistics on Special Education programs in the United States, specifically on children served under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. These data concern the number of children with disabilities served (by age and by type of disability) and mainstream education of children with disabilities. The principal source of these data is the Office of Special Education Programs’ Data Accountability Center, which produces the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 618 Data Tables. Categories of disability and program outcomes under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act can be found on the Center for Parent Information and Resources website (
This section also presents statistics on the educational attainment of people with and without disabilities in the United States. The source of these estimates is the American Community Survey. For these tables, statistics for people with disabilities (disability status) are based on having responded ‘yes’ to a series of questions within the American Community Survey. See the glossary for more details.
For expanded statistics, please go to the Annual Disability Statistics Build Your Own Statistics site at
Table 13.1: In the fall of 2022, there were 67,761,943 people ages 6 to 21 years enrolled in school. Of these people, 7,084,770 (10.5%) received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. Hawaii/HI had the smallest percentage (7%), while Maine/ME had the largest percentage (13.9%). Table 13.1 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, as a Percentage of the Population: Fall 2022
Table 13.2: In the fall of 2022, the following student populations received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B: 535,163 students age 3 to 5; 3,539,101 students age 6 to 11; 3,218,309 students age 12 to 17; and 327,360 students age 18 to 21. Table 13.2 Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Age: Fall 2022
Tables 13.3a-13.3d: In the fall of 2022, there were 7,084,770 students ages 6 to 21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B. These students were in the following diagnostic categories: 2,400,826 in specific learning disability; 1,264,726 in speech or language impairment; 420,422 in intellectual disabilities; 320,640 in emotional disturbance; 122,765 in multiple disabilities; 64,499 in hearing impairments; 28,663 in orthopedic impairments; 1,161,123 in other health impairments; 23,617 in visual impairments; 908,371 in autism; 1,733 in deaf-blindness; 23,892 in traumatic brain injury; and 276,528 in developmental delay. Table 13.3a Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022
Tables 13.4: In the fall of 2022, there were 6,195,590 students ages 6 to 21 who received special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B and spent 40% or more of their time in a regular classroom; which represents 87.4% of students who received services. Of these, 2,333,358 students spent 80% or more of their time in a regular classroom; which represents 32.9% of students who received services. California/CA had the smallest percentage spending 40% or more time in a regular classroom (81.6%), while Vermont/VT had the largest percentage (96%). Alabama/AL had the smallest percentage spending 80% or more time in a regular classroom (17.4%), while New Jersey/NJ had the largest percentage (55.7%). Table 13.4 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, that Spent 40% and 80% or More Time Inside Regular Class: Fall 2022
Table 13.5: In 2023, 16.7% of individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities had less than a high school education. However, 8.8% of individuals ages 25 and over without disabilities had less than a high school education. Therefore, individuals with disabilities were 1.9 times more likely to have less than a high school education. The state with the greatest difference in this education level was the District of Columbia/DC with individuals with disabilities being 3.8 times more likely to have this education level compared to individuals without disabilities. Table 13.5 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Less Than a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.6: In 2023, 33.2% of individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities had only a high school education. However, 24.3% of individuals ages 25 and over without disabilities had only a high school education. Therefore, individuals with disabilities were 1.4 times more likely to have only a high school education. The state with the greatest difference in this education level was Puerto Rico/PR with individuals with disabilities being 1.1 times more likely to have this education level compared to individuals without disabilities. Table 13.6 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Only a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.7: In 2023, 28.9% of individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities had some college education (without a degree). And, 27.4% of individuals ages 25 and over without disabilities had some college education (without a degree). Therefore, individuals with and without disabilities had approximately the same percentage of individuals with this education level. The state with the greatest difference in this education level was Puerto Rico/PR with individuals with disabilities being 0.8 times less likely to have this education level compared to individuals without disabilities. Table 13.7 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Some College Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.8: In 2023, 13% of individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities had a 4-year college degree. However, 23.7% of individuals ages 25 and over without disabilities had a 4-year college degree. Therefore, individuals with disabilities were 0.5 times less likely to have a 4-year college degree. The state with the greatest difference in this education level was West Virginia/WV with individuals with disabilities being 0.4 times less likely to have this education level compared to individuals without disabilities. Table 13.8 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.9: In 2023, 8.2% of individuals ages 25 and over with disabilities had more than a 4-year college degree. However, 15.7% of individuals ages 25 and over without disabilities had more than a 4-year college degree. Therefore, individuals with disabilities were 0.5 times less likely to have more than a 4-year college degree. The state with the greatest difference in this education level was the District of Columbia/DC with individuals with disabilities being 0.4 times less likely to have this education level compared to individuals without disabilities. Table 13.8 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.1 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, as a Percentage of the Population: Fall 2022
Table 13.1 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, as a Percentage of the Population: Fall 2022 | |||
State | |||
U.S. | |||
Alabama | |||
Alaska | |||
Arizona | |||
Arkansas | |||
California | |||
Colorado | |||
Connecticut | |||
Delaware | |||
District of Columbia | |||
Florida | |||
Georgia | |||
Hawaii | |||
Idaho | |||
Illinois | |||
Indiana | |||
Iowa | |||
Kansas | |||
Kentucky | |||
Louisiana | |||
Maine | |||
Maryland | |||
Massachusetts | |||
Michigan | |||
Minnesota | |||
Mississippi | |||
Missouri | |||
Montana | |||
Nebraska | |||
Nevada | |||
New Hampshire | |||
New Jersey | |||
New Mexico | |||
New York | |||
North Carolina | |||
North Dakota | |||
Ohio | |||
Oklahoma | |||
Oregon | |||
Pennsylvania | |||
Rhode Island | |||
South Carolina | |||
South Dakota | |||
Tennessee | |||
Texas | |||
Utah | |||
Vermont | |||
Virginia | |||
Washington | |||
West Virginia | |||
Wisconsin | |||
Wyoming | |||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at Percentage shows individuals served under Part B of the estimated population. Data for U.S. territories is not available. | |||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.1). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.2 Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Age: Fall 2022
Table 13.2 Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Age: Fall 2022 | ||||
U.S. | ||||
Alabama | ||||
Alaska | ||||
Arizona | ||||
Arkansas | ||||
California | ||||
Colorado | ||||
Connecticut | ||||
Delaware | ||||
District of Columbia | ||||
Florida | ||||
Georgia | ||||
Hawaii | ||||
Idaho | ||||
Illinois | ||||
Indiana | ||||
Iowa | ||||
Kansas | ||||
Kentucky | ||||
Louisiana | ||||
Maine | ||||
Maryland | ||||
Massachusetts | ||||
Michigan | ||||
Minnesota | ||||
Mississippi | ||||
Missouri | ||||
Montana | ||||
Nebraska | ||||
Nevada | ||||
New Hampshire | ||||
New Jersey | ||||
New Mexico | ||||
New York | ||||
North Carolina | ||||
North Dakota | ||||
Ohio | ||||
Oklahoma | ||||
Oregon | ||||
Pennsylvania | ||||
Rhode Island | ||||
South Carolina | ||||
South Dakota | ||||
Tennessee | ||||
Texas | ||||
Utah | ||||
Vermont | ||||
Virginia | ||||
Washington | ||||
West Virginia | ||||
Wisconsin | ||||
Wyoming | ||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.2). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.3a Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022
Table 13.3a Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022 | ||||
State | ||||
U.S. | ||||
Alabama | ||||
Alaska | ||||
Arizona | ||||
Arkansas | ||||
California | ||||
Colorado | ||||
Connecticut | ||||
Delaware | ||||
District of Columbia | ||||
Florida | ||||
Georgia | ||||
Hawaii | ||||
Idaho | ||||
Illinois | ||||
Indiana | ||||
Iowa | ||||
Kansas | ||||
Kentucky | ||||
Louisiana | ||||
Maine | ||||
Maryland | ||||
Massachusetts | ||||
Michigan | ||||
Minnesota | ||||
Mississippi | ||||
Missouri | ||||
Montana | ||||
Nebraska | ||||
Nevada | ||||
New Hampshire | ||||
New Jersey | ||||
New Mexico | ||||
New York | ||||
North Carolina | ||||
North Dakota | ||||
Ohio | ||||
Oklahoma | ||||
Oregon | ||||
Pennsylvania | ||||
Rhode Island | ||||
South Carolina | ||||
South Dakota | ||||
Tennessee | ||||
Texas | ||||
Utah | ||||
Vermont | ||||
Virginia | ||||
Washington | ||||
West Virginia | ||||
Wisconsin | ||||
Wyoming | ||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.3a). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.3b Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022
Table 13.3b Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022 | ||||
State | ||||
U.S. | ||||
Alabama | ||||
Alaska | ||||
Arizona | ||||
Arkansas | ||||
California | ||||
Colorado | ||||
Connecticut | ||||
Delaware | ||||
District of Columbia | ||||
Florida | ||||
Georgia | ||||
Hawaii | ||||
Idaho | ||||
Illinois | ||||
Indiana | ||||
Iowa | ||||
Kansas | ||||
Kentucky | ||||
Louisiana | ||||
Maine | ||||
Maryland | ||||
Massachusetts | ||||
Michigan | ||||
Minnesota | ||||
Mississippi | ||||
Missouri | ||||
Montana | ||||
Nebraska | ||||
Nevada | ||||
New Hampshire | ||||
New Jersey | ||||
New Mexico | ||||
New York | ||||
North Carolina | ||||
North Dakota | ||||
Ohio | ||||
Oklahoma | ||||
Oregon | ||||
Pennsylvania | ||||
Rhode Island | ||||
South Carolina | ||||
South Dakota | ||||
Tennessee | ||||
Texas | ||||
Utah | ||||
Vermont | ||||
Virginia | ||||
Washington | ||||
West Virginia | ||||
Wisconsin | ||||
Wyoming | ||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.3b). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.3c Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022
Table 13.3c Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022 | ||||
State | ||||
U.S. | ||||
Alabama | ||||
Alaska | ||||
Arizona | ||||
Arkansas | ||||
California | ||||
Colorado | ||||
Connecticut | ||||
Delaware | ||||
District of Columbia | ||||
Florida | ||||
Georgia | ||||
Hawaii | ||||
Idaho | ||||
Illinois | ||||
Indiana | ||||
Iowa | ||||
Kansas | ||||
Kentucky | ||||
Louisiana | ||||
Maine | ||||
Maryland | ||||
Massachusetts | ||||
Michigan | ||||
Minnesota | ||||
Mississippi | ||||
Missouri | ||||
Montana | ||||
Nebraska | ||||
Nevada | ||||
New Hampshire | ||||
New Jersey | ||||
New Mexico | ||||
New York | ||||
North Carolina | ||||
North Dakota | ||||
Ohio | ||||
Oklahoma | ||||
Oregon | ||||
Pennsylvania | ||||
Rhode Island | ||||
South Carolina | ||||
South Dakota | ||||
Tennessee | ||||
Texas | ||||
Utah | ||||
Vermont | ||||
Virginia | ||||
Washington | ||||
West Virginia | ||||
Wisconsin | ||||
Wyoming | ||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at | ||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | ||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.3c). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.3d Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022
Table 13.3d Special Education - Students Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, by Select Diagnostic Categories: Fall 2022 | |||||
State | |||||
U.S. | |||||
Alabama | |||||
Alaska | |||||
Arizona | |||||
Arkansas | |||||
California | |||||
Colorado | |||||
Connecticut | |||||
Delaware | |||||
District of Columbia | |||||
Florida | |||||
Georgia | |||||
Hawaii | |||||
Idaho | |||||
Illinois | |||||
Indiana | |||||
Iowa | |||||
Kansas | |||||
Kentucky | |||||
Louisiana | |||||
Maine | |||||
Maryland | |||||
Massachusetts | |||||
Michigan | |||||
Minnesota | |||||
Mississippi | |||||
Missouri | |||||
Montana | |||||
Nebraska | |||||
Nevada | |||||
New Hampshire | |||||
New Jersey | |||||
New Mexico | |||||
New York | |||||
North Carolina | |||||
North Dakota | |||||
Ohio | |||||
Oklahoma | |||||
Oregon | |||||
Pennsylvania | |||||
Rhode Island | |||||
South Carolina | |||||
South Dakota | |||||
Tennessee | |||||
Texas | |||||
Utah | |||||
Vermont | |||||
Virginia | |||||
Washington | |||||
West Virginia | |||||
Wisconsin | |||||
Wyoming | |||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at | |||||
*estimate either unavailable or too few sample observations. | |||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.3d). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.4 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, that Spent 40% and 80% or More Time Inside Regular Class: Fall 2022
Table 13.4 Special Education - Students Ages 6 to 21 Served Under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, that Spent 40% and 80% or More Time Inside Regular Class: Fall 2022 | |||||
U.S. | |||||
Alabama | |||||
Alaska | |||||
Arizona | |||||
Arkansas | |||||
California | |||||
Colorado | |||||
Connecticut | |||||
Delaware | |||||
District of Columbia | |||||
Florida | |||||
Georgia | |||||
Hawaii | |||||
Idaho | |||||
Illinois | |||||
Indiana | |||||
Iowa | |||||
Kansas | |||||
Kentucky | |||||
Louisiana | |||||
Maine | |||||
Maryland | |||||
Massachusetts | |||||
Michigan | |||||
Minnesota | |||||
Mississippi | |||||
Missouri | |||||
Montana | |||||
Nebraska | |||||
Nevada | |||||
New Hampshire | |||||
New Jersey | |||||
New Mexico | |||||
New York | |||||
North Carolina | |||||
North Dakota | |||||
Ohio | |||||
Oklahoma | |||||
Oregon | |||||
Pennsylvania | |||||
Rhode Island | |||||
South Carolina | |||||
South Dakota | |||||
Tennessee | |||||
Texas | |||||
Utah | |||||
Vermont | |||||
Virginia | |||||
Washington | |||||
West Virginia | |||||
Wisconsin | |||||
Wyoming | |||||
Notes: Sourced from the United States Department of Education, 2022, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act public data & resources; 2014 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B data. The data presented in this table are from the 2022-2023 academic year and can be found at Percentage shows individuals served under Part B of the estimated population. | |||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (Eds.) (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.4). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.5 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Less Than a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.5 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Less Than a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023 | |||||||||||
U.S. | |||||||||||
Alabama | |||||||||||
Alaska | |||||||||||
Arizona | |||||||||||
Arkansas | |||||||||||
California | |||||||||||
Colorado | |||||||||||
Connecticut | |||||||||||
Delaware | |||||||||||
District of Columbia | |||||||||||
Florida | |||||||||||
Georgia | |||||||||||
Hawaii | |||||||||||
Idaho | |||||||||||
Illinois | |||||||||||
Indiana | |||||||||||
Iowa | |||||||||||
Kansas | |||||||||||
Kentucky | |||||||||||
Louisiana | |||||||||||
Maine | |||||||||||
Maryland | |||||||||||
Massachusetts | |||||||||||
Michigan | |||||||||||
Minnesota | |||||||||||
Mississippi | |||||||||||
Missouri | |||||||||||
Montana | |||||||||||
Nebraska | |||||||||||
Nevada | |||||||||||
New Hampshire | |||||||||||
New Jersey | |||||||||||
New Mexico | |||||||||||
New York | |||||||||||
North Carolina | |||||||||||
North Dakota | |||||||||||
Ohio | |||||||||||
Oklahoma | |||||||||||
Oregon | |||||||||||
Pennsylvania | |||||||||||
Rhode Island | |||||||||||
South Carolina | |||||||||||
South Dakota | |||||||||||
Tennessee | |||||||||||
Texas | |||||||||||
Utah | |||||||||||
Vermont | |||||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Washington | |||||||||||
West Virginia | |||||||||||
Wisconsin | |||||||||||
Wyoming | |||||||||||
Puerto Rico | |||||||||||
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with less than a high school eduction over the percentage of people without disability with less than a high school eduction. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in education level percentage. | |||||||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.5). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.6 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Only a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.6 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Only a High School Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023 | |||||||||||
U.S. | |||||||||||
Alabama | |||||||||||
Alaska | |||||||||||
Arizona | |||||||||||
Arkansas | |||||||||||
California | |||||||||||
Colorado | |||||||||||
Connecticut | |||||||||||
Delaware | |||||||||||
District of Columbia | |||||||||||
Florida | |||||||||||
Georgia | |||||||||||
Hawaii | |||||||||||
Idaho | |||||||||||
Illinois | |||||||||||
Indiana | |||||||||||
Iowa | |||||||||||
Kansas | |||||||||||
Kentucky | |||||||||||
Louisiana | |||||||||||
Maine | |||||||||||
Maryland | |||||||||||
Massachusetts | |||||||||||
Michigan | |||||||||||
Minnesota | |||||||||||
Mississippi | |||||||||||
Missouri | |||||||||||
Montana | |||||||||||
Nebraska | |||||||||||
Nevada | |||||||||||
New Hampshire | |||||||||||
New Jersey | |||||||||||
New Mexico | |||||||||||
New York | |||||||||||
North Carolina | |||||||||||
North Dakota | |||||||||||
Ohio | |||||||||||
Oklahoma | |||||||||||
Oregon | |||||||||||
Pennsylvania | |||||||||||
Rhode Island | |||||||||||
South Carolina | |||||||||||
South Dakota | |||||||||||
Tennessee | |||||||||||
Texas | |||||||||||
Utah | |||||||||||
Vermont | |||||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Washington | |||||||||||
West Virginia | |||||||||||
Wisconsin | |||||||||||
Wyoming | |||||||||||
Puerto Rico | |||||||||||
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with a high school eduction over the percentage of people without disability with a high school eduction. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in education level percentage. | |||||||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.6). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.7 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Some College Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.7 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with Some College Education by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023 | |||||||||||
U.S. | |||||||||||
Alabama | |||||||||||
Alaska | |||||||||||
Arizona | |||||||||||
Arkansas | |||||||||||
California | |||||||||||
Colorado | |||||||||||
Connecticut | |||||||||||
Delaware | |||||||||||
District of Columbia | |||||||||||
Florida | |||||||||||
Georgia | |||||||||||
Hawaii | |||||||||||
Idaho | |||||||||||
Illinois | |||||||||||
Indiana | |||||||||||
Iowa | |||||||||||
Kansas | |||||||||||
Kentucky | |||||||||||
Louisiana | |||||||||||
Maine | |||||||||||
Maryland | |||||||||||
Massachusetts | |||||||||||
Michigan | |||||||||||
Minnesota | |||||||||||
Mississippi | |||||||||||
Missouri | |||||||||||
Montana | |||||||||||
Nebraska | |||||||||||
Nevada | |||||||||||
New Hampshire | |||||||||||
New Jersey | |||||||||||
New Mexico | |||||||||||
New York | |||||||||||
North Carolina | |||||||||||
North Dakota | |||||||||||
Ohio | |||||||||||
Oklahoma | |||||||||||
Oregon | |||||||||||
Pennsylvania | |||||||||||
Rhode Island | |||||||||||
South Carolina | |||||||||||
South Dakota | |||||||||||
Tennessee | |||||||||||
Texas | |||||||||||
Utah | |||||||||||
Vermont | |||||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Washington | |||||||||||
West Virginia | |||||||||||
Wisconsin | |||||||||||
Wyoming | |||||||||||
Puerto Rico | |||||||||||
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with some college eduction over the percentage of people without disability with some college eduction. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in education level percentage. | |||||||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.7). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.8 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.8 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023 | |||||||||||
U.S. | |||||||||||
Alabama | |||||||||||
Alaska | |||||||||||
Arizona | |||||||||||
Arkansas | |||||||||||
California | |||||||||||
Colorado | |||||||||||
Connecticut | |||||||||||
Delaware | |||||||||||
District of Columbia | |||||||||||
Florida | |||||||||||
Georgia | |||||||||||
Hawaii | |||||||||||
Idaho | |||||||||||
Illinois | |||||||||||
Indiana | |||||||||||
Iowa | |||||||||||
Kansas | |||||||||||
Kentucky | |||||||||||
Louisiana | |||||||||||
Maine | |||||||||||
Maryland | |||||||||||
Massachusetts | |||||||||||
Michigan | |||||||||||
Minnesota | |||||||||||
Mississippi | |||||||||||
Missouri | |||||||||||
Montana | |||||||||||
Nebraska | |||||||||||
Nevada | |||||||||||
New Hampshire | |||||||||||
New Jersey | |||||||||||
New Mexico | |||||||||||
New York | |||||||||||
North Carolina | |||||||||||
North Dakota | |||||||||||
Ohio | |||||||||||
Oklahoma | |||||||||||
Oregon | |||||||||||
Pennsylvania | |||||||||||
Rhode Island | |||||||||||
South Carolina | |||||||||||
South Dakota | |||||||||||
Tennessee | |||||||||||
Texas | |||||||||||
Utah | |||||||||||
Vermont | |||||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Washington | |||||||||||
West Virginia | |||||||||||
Wisconsin | |||||||||||
Wyoming | |||||||||||
Puerto Rico | |||||||||||
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with a 4-year college degree over the percentage of people without disability with a 4-year college degree. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in education level percentage. | |||||||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.8). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |
Table 13.9 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with More Than a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023
Table 13.9 Education - People Ages 25 and Over with More Than a 4-Year College Degree by Disability Status for the United States and States: 2023 | |||||||||||
U.S. | |||||||||||
Alabama | |||||||||||
Alaska | |||||||||||
Arizona | |||||||||||
Arkansas | |||||||||||
California | |||||||||||
Colorado | |||||||||||
Connecticut | |||||||||||
Delaware | |||||||||||
District of Columbia | |||||||||||
Florida | |||||||||||
Georgia | |||||||||||
Hawaii | |||||||||||
Idaho | |||||||||||
Illinois | |||||||||||
Indiana | |||||||||||
Iowa | |||||||||||
Kansas | |||||||||||
Kentucky | |||||||||||
Louisiana | |||||||||||
Maine | |||||||||||
Maryland | |||||||||||
Massachusetts | |||||||||||
Michigan | |||||||||||
Minnesota | |||||||||||
Mississippi | |||||||||||
Missouri | |||||||||||
Montana | |||||||||||
Nebraska | |||||||||||
Nevada | |||||||||||
New Hampshire | |||||||||||
New Jersey | |||||||||||
New Mexico | |||||||||||
New York | |||||||||||
North Carolina | |||||||||||
North Dakota | |||||||||||
Ohio | |||||||||||
Oklahoma | |||||||||||
Oregon | |||||||||||
Pennsylvania | |||||||||||
Rhode Island | |||||||||||
South Carolina | |||||||||||
South Dakota | |||||||||||
Tennessee | |||||||||||
Texas | |||||||||||
Utah | |||||||||||
Vermont | |||||||||||
Virginia | |||||||||||
Washington | |||||||||||
West Virginia | |||||||||||
Wisconsin | |||||||||||
Wyoming | |||||||||||
Puerto Rico | |||||||||||
Notes: Authors’ calculations using the U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, Public Use Microdata Sample, (2023), which is subject to sampling variability. Slight differences in percentages may appear due to rounding when compared to populations. The margin of error (ME) is based on a 95% confidence level and is a measure of an estimate’s variability. The larger the margin of error is in relation to the size of the estimate, the less reliable the estimate. The relative ratio is the ratio of the percentage of people with disability with more than a 4-year college degree over the percentage of people without disability with more than a 4-year college degree. Therefore, a relative ratio further from 1.000 indicates a greater disparity in education level percentage. | |||||||||||
Citation: Thomas, N., Bach, S., & Houtenville, A. (2025). Annual Disability Statistics Compendium: 2025 (Table 13.9). Durham, NH: University of New Hampshire, Institute on Disability. |