
Resource Year Topic
Mann, D., & Stapleton, D., (2011). Fiscal austerity and the transition to twenty-first century disability policy: A road map.
This project includes seven research studies to support University of New Hampshire’s Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment…
2011 Demographics
Stapleton, D., & Mann, D., (2012). A disability policy for the 21st century. The Hill’s Congress Blog, January 19, 2012.
January 19, 2012.
2012 Demographics
Goodman, N., & Morris, M., (2013). Making change with incremental steps: Modifying adverse incentives to serving people with disabilities in the TANF program.
2014 Demographics
Goodman, N., & Morris, M., (2015). Financing transition services when everyone is the “payer of last resort”.
2015 Demographics
Stapleton, D., Ben-Shalom, Y., & Mann, D., (2016). Modernizing the gateway to disability benefits. Published in Mathematica Center for Studying Disability Policy Research InFocus Brief. June 2016.
The report of the McCrery-Pomeroy Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Solutions Initiative emphasizes the importance of near-term investments…
2016 Demographics
Sevak, Purvi; Schimmel Hyde, Jody; Kehn, Matthew (2017). Repealing or replacing the ACA’s provisions: How would adults with disabilities fare? Roosevelt House Faculty Journal.
Roosevelt House Faculty Journal, May 4, 2017
2017 Demographics
Sevak, P., & Rosenbluth, S., (2017). Time-limited benefits before permanent SSDI disability benefits. Roosevelt House Faculty Journal
Roosevelt House Faculty Journal, May 4, 2017
2017 Demographics
Livermore, G., Wittenburg, D., & Neumark, D., (2014). Finding alternatives to disability benefit receipt. Journal of Labor Policy, 3(1), 1-9.
DOI: 10.1186/2193-9004-3-14
2014 Demographics
Brucker, D., & Houtenville, A., (2014). Living on the edge: Assessing the economic impacts of potential disability benefit reductions for Social Security disability beneficiaries. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 41(3), 209-223.
DOI: 10.3233/JVR-140714
2014 Demographics
Honeycutt, T., & Wittenburg, D., (2014). Provider networks of youth receiving supplemental security income: evidence from the youth transition demonstration. State of the Science Conference: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Emp
Bethesda, MD, April 8, 2014
2014 Demographics