
Resource Year Topic
Livermore, G., Houtenville, A., Stapleton, D., & Imparato, A., (2011). Federal spending for people with disabilities: continuing societies commitment while reducing the deficit.
Center for studying Disability Policy Research Forum, Washington, DC, June 8, 2011.
2011 Measurement
Houtenville, A., & Brucker, D., (2011). Safety net program participation and employment activities among working-age persons with disabilities.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Conference, Washington, DC, November 3-5, 2011
2011 Employment
Houtenville, A., & Brucker, D., (2011). Program participation after job loss and the role of disability.
Southern Economic Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, November 19-21, 2011.
2011 Employment
Houtenville, A., & Brucker, D., (2011). Safety net program participation for working-age persons with disabilities.
Mathematica Policy Forum Webinar Number 15: Federal Spending for People with Disabilities: Continuing Society's Commitment While Reducing the…
2011 Employment
Houtenville, A., & Brucker, D., (2012). Safety net and employment services participation for low-income working age persons with disabilities.
State-of-the-Science conference/StatsRRTC, Bethesda, MD.
2012 Employment
O’Day, B., Mann, D., Stapleton, D., & Buckland, K., (2012). The Transition to 21st Century Disability Policy in an Era of Fiscal Austerity: A Road Map.
Webinar forum sponsored by the Center for Studying Disability Policy, Washington, DC, January 20, 2012.
2012 Measurement
Livermore, G., Honeycutt, T., & Martin, F., (2012). Obstacles and opportunities: The U. S. economy, state VR programs, and SSDI beneficiaries.
Center for Studying Disability Policy Research Forum, Washington, DC, October 4, 2012.
2012 Employment
Livermore, G., (2012). Employment and economic well-being of people with disabilities before and after the Great Recession.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, November 8, 2012. Center for Studying Disability Policy Research…
2012 Employment
Ben-Shalom, Y. & Mamun, A., (2013). Return-to-work efforts among new Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) beneficiaries.
Academy Health Annual Research Meeting, Baltimore, June 22, 2013.
2013 Employment
Schimmel-Hyde, J., (2013). Waiting for VR Services and Implications for Disability Benefit Application and Receipt.
National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Conference, Alexandria, VA, April 18, 2013.
2013 Employment
Schimmel-Hyde, J., & Livermore, G., (2013). Trends in Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care Among Workers with Disabilities, 1997-2011.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 7, 2013.
2013 Employment
Mann, D., (2013). Building the Bridge to a 21st Century Disability Policy.
National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Annual Conference, Alexandria, VA, April 2013.
2013 Measurement
Mamun, A. & Ben-Shalom, Y., (2013). Return-to-work efforts among new Social Security Disability Insurance (DI) beneficiaries.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Fall Research Conference, Washington, DC, November 9, 2013. National Association of…
2013 Employment
Wittenburg, D., (2013). Creativity, measurement, and knowledge dissemination: Addressing challenges to implementing evidence-based practices.
Keynote address at the Annual Vocational Rehabilitation Summit, Providence, RI, September 16, 2013.
2013 Measurement
Honeycutt, T., & Wittenburg, D., (2013). Connecting the dots: Tracking provider use in the Youth Transition Demonstration (YTD).
National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers Conference, Alexandria, VA, April 18, 2013.
Brucker, D. & Houtenville, A., (2013). Living on the edge: Estimating the potential impact of reductions in Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income benefits on beneficiaries.
Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management annual conference, Washington, DC.
2013 Measurement
Wittenburg, D., (2014). Employment policy: Past and present findings.
State-of-the-Science: Advancing Evidence-Based Practices and Policies to Close the Employment Gap, Bethesda, MD, April 8-9, 2014.
2014 Employment
Mizrahi, J., Stapleton, D., & Wittenburg, D., (2014). Implementation of WIOA: Lessons from Research on Employment.
RespectAbility Webinar, October 7, 2014.
2014 Employment
Wittenburg, D., (2014). Implications of Social Security Disability Insurance Work Incentive Simplification Approaches.
Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Research Annual Conference, Albuquerque, NM, November 7, 2014.
2014 Employment
Wittenburg, D., (2014). Concluding Summary for Fourth Annual Research-to-Policy Roundtable.
Presenter at University of New Hampshire Statistics Fourth Annual Research-to-Policy Roundtable, Washington, DC, December 5, 2014.